The Roland R-05 finds itself sat on my desk with both my Panasonic HC-V700 and Canon SX710 HSThe Sony ECM-719 is in the box it came shipped in, but with its manual and the AT9400 and Sony ECM-929LT are ontop of 2 Lego Vehicles (VW Transporter 1 and VW Beetle (both awesome ...
The external solution contained (in mM): 140 KCl, 2 MwcoignthCtahli2ni,ge1hd0er(HicnEoPmnEcMeSn,)t1:r15a4tgi0olunKcsCoosl,fe1,fr0peHeEGC7aT.22A+w,wi1te0hreNNpa-rCmelpe, ta1hreMydl-gDuCs-ilgn2laguncvdaamr1io0inuHes E(aNmPEMoSuG,np)t.HsToh7f e.E2iGnwTtietArhnaNaslMdseoGsl...
Pivotal in many ways for human health, the control of adult bone mass is governed by complex, incompletely understood crosstalk namely between mesenchymal stem cells, osteoblasts and osteoclasts. The SOX4, SOX11 and SOX12 (SOXC) transcription factors were previously shown to control many developmenta...
(A) Digital data and recorded sound waveforms of the three types of white noise bursts. Amplitudes are shown in arbitrary units. The sounds were recorded by an electronic condenser microphone (Sony ECM-100U, Japan; frequency = 20–50,000 Hz) and an analog–digital converter (Roland ...
In this process, several inflammatory mediators, including cytokines and extracellular matrix (ECM) components, which if produced abnormally, lead to an excess of ECM deposition and the subsequent scarring of the tissue [1]. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), whose cause is unknown, is the ...
(hRaTr-aPcCteRriazsesatyhe"Bid"e, nFtiigfiuerde 1AbS) eshvoewntesd, wmeulptipelrefoArmS ed a fluorepsrcoednutc-tcso,mwpherteitaisvenoReTv-PidCenRtaAsSsaeyvewnittshwperriemdeertsecmtaabplepiinngthwe ritehginonesxcoonmsp4raisnindg9e.xBoensid1–e5s acnodnfi8–rming the p1re1s(eRnTc...