He would cause other nations to be destroyed, if it were necessary, in order to effect their deliverance, and to restore them to their own land.Puts an entirely different spin on things, doesn't it?I hope you have enjoyed reading this two-fold lesson. Firstly,...
His eyes seemed absolutely insane, his voice had a very mocking tone and his body was manifesting in ways I have seem people do during a deliverance. So instantly (red flags) I knew this was going to be a major problem to the Body of Christ. I figured that the people that I love ...
Kanaan MinistriesOffers a paid online course for deep inner healing which can bring foundational knowledge of who we are Christ, how trauma affects us, and how to heal from it. Also they have renunciation prayers and articles to help gain freedom and deliverance. Keys To FreedomA workbook-style...
We finished the meeting by laying hands on every person and anointing them with oil. We encouraged them to come and receive whatever they were believing for while we agreed with them in prayer for healing, deliverance, signs, wonders, miracles, etc. The church in these two states were edifie...
” First of all, “fallen angels” isn’t in the Bible. There are spirit beings whom God created who rebelled from His agenda and have their own agenda. There are also spirit beings who God assigned in some kind of administrative capacity over nations and the cosmos (the biblical “...
We should desire maximum obedience to God, thus, live to maximumly glorify Him. We should live in head-subordinate relationships, particularly in marriage, patterned after the one the Father has with the Son.Matthewby John M. Stephenson
I still think we should only have actual believers leading other believers in some ministries, especially doctrinal. There are organizations run by faith and if one does not have faith then how can they hear the Holy Spirit and lead their people properly. I believe it is the Christian thing ...