Last but not least – who are you going to call when you need a miracle?Has anyone been calling YOU when they need a miracle. We are the humans that help you learn how to receive a miracle from Jesus, and train you on how to help others receive their miracle from Jesus (in a way...
Angels obedient to God don’t marry, don’t have sex with women. Do not rape. Believe me if anything like this is happening consult a Pastor or deliverance ministry for it is a demonic attack. Angels do not use obscene language. Some are healers, they breathe fire on parts of our brai...
12:4 There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. 5 There are differences of ministries, but the same Lord. 6 And there are diversities of activities, but it is the same God who works all in all. 7 But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of...
The more research I did on this topic, it quickly became apparent that this idea of a spiritual spouse is commonly taught by people who are hyper-charismatic and believe in the need for “deliverance ministries.” These people teach that a spiritual spouse can be responsible for sexual pervasio...
House Church Ministries For Jesus (HCMFJ) is not a 501(c)(3) organization which means contributions to this ministry are NOT tax deductible. Further, we have no intentions of ever becoming a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization. As published by, Citizen’s Rule Book pa...
Lifeway has great resources for all ministries including videos that feature Bible Man whom I have met personally. Search Videos Everyone Is Invited and Must Have RESPECT and Be Born Again. I can be at peace with all men when all men are at peace with God. ...
That walk is the walk of faith, wholly trusting in the Lord and His Word. Mix that faith with the Word by boldly saying, “Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. God is greater than any bondage or burden. I declare my freedom and deliverance in Jesus’ name!
Two of these 'formations of the post-secular' are explored here: the Sunday Assembly, a secular church, and Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, an international Pentecostal Deliverance church.doi:10.1080/21692327.2018.1434011Naomi Irit Richman...
Will the next few hours bring about our deliverance? Only the Lord knows but based on all the information related to the time period we are in I say, why not? And as always, “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem they shall prosper who love thee ” Psalm 122:6 ...
March 6, 2023.Just as surely as the March winds blow, My winds of REVIVAL are blowing across the nations. Just listen, just read — reports are flooding in of repentance, deliverance, healing, glory. Satan can never match My power. Beware, he is running to and fro trying to steal wha...