For the last 40 years, I have been called to and groomed for a ministry that is totally out of the realm of possibility for me personally to accomplish. The Antichrist is already so prepared for endtime deception and I realize that I am no match for him. In more ways than one, I am...
systematic and comprehensive view of how Satan has obtained worship from both the occult world and the charismatic movement and what the elect must do to gain freedom from deception and to remain spiritually alert in endtimes. From Charismatic Witchcraft to Demon Led Deliverance Ministry, for the ...
Learning how to properly Plead the Blood of Jesus for any deliverance and protection that you may need is just one part of our arsenal. I will be doing other articles in the near future covering some of the other aspects on this part of our walk with the Lord. 3. Protection As you wi...
Of the seven seals of the sealed book; here is no beast speaking here, nor horse and rider presented to view; it was now a very dark time both with respect to the church of God and ministry of the word, and the Roman empire. This seal refers to the times of Dioclesian, and the ...