使用一个while循环来校准传感器,而正Stepper Library步进图书馆 Motor Knob: control a highly accurate stepper motor using a potentiometer. 电机旋钮:控制高度精确的步进电机使用电位。 Wire Library电线库 SFRRanger_reader: read a Devantech SRFxx ultra-sonic range finder using I2C communication. SFRRanger_read...
I don't want to leave the if statement until I release S1. The "while ( S1() ) { } " does just that. A "while" command checks the state of S1() and returns "true" if I am pressing the switch. It will idle in an endless loop doing nothing ({}) until I release the ...
In theloop(), check to see if there is any data in the serial buffer. By making this awhile()statement, it will run as long as there is information waiting to be read : 在循环函数中,检查串口缓冲中是否有任何数据。通过使用 while 循环语句,他会一直运行直到有信息需要读取: while(Serial.ava...
Arduino While loop example 9 to 0To output a sequence from 9 down to 0 you must initiailise the loop value to the 1st output value you want before reaching the while statement; in this case variable 'i' is initialised to 9. You also need to change the conditional in the while ...
(for循环语句) IfStatementConditional (if条件语句) switchCase (switchCase条件语句) switchCase2 (switchCase条件语句情况2) WhileStatementConditional (while条件语句) 06Sensors (传感器) ADXL3xx(ADXL3xx系列加速度传感器) Knock (检测敲击) Memsic2125(Memsic2125两轴加速度传感器) Ping(超声波测距仪检测物体) ...
Arduino: Examples: Show list of examples. Arduino: Initialize: Scaffold a VS Code project with an Arduino sketch. Arduino: Library Manager: Explore and manage libraries. Arduino: Open Serial Monitor: Open the serial monitor in the integrated output window. ...
To allow for this early exit, C/C++ gives you thebreakstatement that you can use inside the loop body to immediately "break out" of the loop. This prevents the remaining iterations from executing. TIP:You can also use the function break to exit awhile loop. ...
I wanted to be able continue learning Grbl while at home, away from the salvaged hardware, so I dug up the A4988 motor control boardI’ve played with briefly. It’s time to get a little further in depth with this thing. Motivated by my current state in the XY stage project, the fir...
The setup Statement The setup statement is the first thing called in the Arduino application. As in a Processing application, this is where things that need to be initialized should be placed. For instance, if you’re going to use the Serial port for debugging your application, you’ll need...
Do not open an issue without first testing some of the examples! If you have a problem, please post the MCVE (Minimal Complete Verifiable Example) showing this problem. My experience is, that most of the times you will find the problem while creating this MCVE 😄. Use code blocks; it...