Arrays - 在For循环例子里的一个变量,示范了怎么使用一个数组。 If Statement - 怎样用一个if声明来实现改变输入会改变输出的目的。 LED Bar Graph - 控制一个8×8的LED矩阵 Arduino playground有更多复杂的例子。其他例子可以在Tom Igoe's blog找到: 这个教程的Tom初始版本 在Arduino Mega的两个矩阵...
数组:一个在For循环的变量举例了怎样使用一个数组。 IfStatementConditional:通过for循环来控制多个LED灯 If声明条件:使用一个‘if 声明’,通过改变输入条件来改变输出条件 Switch Case:怎样在非连续的数值里选择。 Switch Case 2:第二个switch-case的例子,展示怎样根据在串口收到的字符来采取不同的行为 While 声明...
break is used to exit from a do, for, or while loop, bypassing the normal loop condition. It is also used to exit from aswitch statement.Examplefor (x = 0; x < 255; x ++){ digitalWrite(PWMpin, x); sens = analogRead(sensorPin); if (sens > threshold){ // bail out on sensor...
Parameters of program functions: for example, in the time function: parameters of the delay function: ms: pause time, the time unit is milliseconds (unsigned long data), delay Microseconds function parameters: us:
use an if statement to change output conditions based on changing input conditions. 如果声明(视情况而定): 如何使用if语句来改变输出条件改变输 入条件的基础上。 For Loop: controlling multiple LEDs with a for loop and. 循环:循环 控制多个LED。 Array : a variation on the For Loop example that ...
If you would connect the 5v pin to pin 13 now, you would create a short circuit! Be careful! Arduino reference: pinMode Arduino tutorials: Digital Pins In the Arduino IDE, and other C-like programming languages, every statement is ended with a semicolon (;), as you can see in this ...
Start by opening the Arduino IDE, select File, then Sample, Digital, DigitallnputPullup. If you upload this program to the Arduino board, you can see that there is always a pull-up resistor in the previous example, but in this demo, the pull-up resistor is not present because this ...
The 'if' statement in the next line simply does an analog write with this number, if the number is between 0 and 255.ResultThe DC motor will spin with different speeds according to the value (0 to 250) received via the serial port.Spin Direction Control...
For example, take a look at this if statement that prints “x is less than y” to the serial monitor when x is less than y: if (x < y) { Serial.println("x is less than y"); } The condition of this if statement isx < y. Say x equals 2 and y equals 4. 2 < 4 is a...
If the ping takes longer than timeOut then zero (0) is returned in "duration"! Nice! so, in the above example, something like if ( duration >= 2940 || duration <= 0){ Serial.println("Out of range");} becomes if (duration == 0){ Serial.println("Out of range");} The pulseI...