# Create a search cursor using an SQL expression with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc,fields,where_clause=expression) as cursor: for row in cursor: # Print the name of the residential road print(row[1]) 使用SearchCursor 和 Python 的排序方法对行排序。有关其他排序选项,请参阅 Python 的如何实现...
SearchCursor (in_table, field_names, {where_clause}, {spatial_reference}, {explode_to_points}, {sql_clause}, {datum_transformation}) fields (Read Only): A tuple of field names used by the cursor. The tuple will include all fields and tokens specified by thefield_namesargument. Code sampl...
So the field name is systemList and you just want to have the cursor select records with values that are in the list? For your search cursor, why are you passing both field and "SYSTEMNUMBER"? Since field is defined as "SYSTEMNUMBER", you are asking the cursor for return...
cursor = arcpy.da.InsertCursor(“C:/data/texas.gdb/counties”, (“NAME”, “SHAPE@XY”)) for row in row_values: cursor.insertRow(row) del cursor 栅格数据访问 import arcpy arcpy.raster() NumPy 数组是包含在 Python 的 SciPy 科学计算包中的最著名数组,很多现有 Python 函数都是为了处理 NumPy ...
UpdateCursor(table, "*", where_clause=wc) as cursor: shape_index = cursor.fields.index("Shape") for row in cursor: my_geometry = row[shape_index] but it was found that geometry field can have other names aside "Shape". [Edit]: arcpy package name added to the code Became Hot ...
Or better use a where_clause in the cursor to only iterate over "No" rows. A while loop is not what you want as it will stop iterating when the first "Yes" is encountered. And instead of multiple if-elif-else you can use a dictionary: d = {2:"5", 3:"7", ..., 16:"...
using a search cursor A query can also be done by using a search cursor, which behaves very similarly to the arcpy.da.SearchCursor. While the restapi.Cursor does support usage of a with statement, it is not necessary as there is no file on disk that is opened. When using the cursor(...
I did as you suggested and set a search cursor on the FeatureSet() after .load() to see what the GlobalID values are at that point (before converting to fgdb Feature Classes / tables). You're test validates that they are {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} When queried on...
Remember that each cursor locks the data that it accesses. I can't see in your code the source of the data in each cursor, but you can't search and insert the same GDB or table. You also have to delete cursors when your done with one to release the lock. This d...
search/insert cursor" try: with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(target,"SHP_NAME") as uCursor: for uRow in uCursor: uRow[0] = os.path.split(os.path.split(shapefile)[0])[1] uCursor.updateRow(uRow) except: print "Could not use update cursor" del sCursor, iCursor, uCurs...