with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(fclass, fields) as cursor: for row in cursor: if row[2] == "No": #You forgot the quotes row[1] = d.setdefault([row[0], "22") #Fetch value. If not found use "22") cursor.updateRow(row) For the second part you could try: Add a field to th...
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(POUR_POINTS, ["NAME_FIELD"]) as cursor: for point in cursor: name = str(point[0]) print("Working on pour point {}".format(name)) # Do stuff with data in cursor... Also, as @Luke_Pinner mentioned, you need more of your code that shows where select_po...
import arcpy import os gdb = r'C:\Users\Stephanie\Documents\SPRING20\PGIS\project1\usa_cities.gdb' feature_class = "largest_cities" fc = os.path.join(gdb, feature_class) fields = ['NAME', 'POP2017'] desc_list = [] with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc, '*') as cursor: for row in cur...
all_field_names)curA=arcpy.da.InsertCursor(change_att,all_field_names)curN=arcpy.da.InsertCursor(to_append,all_field_names)#begin inserting features into the blank feature classessearchfields=["xy","NIDID_1","xy"]witharcpy.da.SearchCursor(NIDs_Joined,searchfields)ascursor:forrowincursor...
Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\programtest\pythontest_gdb_to_word\test11.py", line 28, in <module> with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(gdb_path, list(gdb_fields.keys()) + ["Name"]) as cursor: RuntimeError: cannot open 'D:\programtest\pythontest_gdb_to_word\test.gdb' 分享...
arcpy.AddMessage("Calculating Compactness Quotient") with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(self.mapLayerFinal,["Shape_Area","DISTRICT_ID","Shape_Length"]) as rows: print "layer "+str(self.mapLayerFinal) for row in rows: area = row[0] district_id = row[1] ...
cursor = arcpy.SearchCursor(env+schools+'.shp',exp1) #I have now printed out all of the names of the facilities that are high schools for row in cursor: print(row.getValue(field)) #this code above was successful #I am attempting to print out the number of facilities that...
import arcpy, time, datetime, os, itertools fields = ['OBJECTID', 'LegacyGUID', 'GlobalID', 'LEGACYID'] groups = [] ukeys = [] try: with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc, fields, sql_clause=('','ORDER BY LEGACYID')) as cursor: for k, g in itertools.groupby(cur...
(arcpy.GetCount_management("ptLayer").getOutput(0)) > 0: arcpy.DeleteFeatures_management("ptLayer") with arcpy.da.SearchCursor("ptLayer", "CLUSTER_ID") as cursor: count_of_items = collections.Counter(row[0] for row in cursor) for item in sorted(count_of_items.items(), ...
>>>fc = "C:/Temp/lorraine/NIData.gdb/fc_f6000_in99Matx">>> regfield = "RegID_6k99">>> cursor = arcpy.SearchCursor(fc)>>> for row in cursor: print(row.getValue(regfield)) >>> for row in cursor: if row.getValue(regfield)=="1": row.getValue(LAB...