# Create a search cursor using an SQL expression with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc,fields,where_clause=expression) as cursor: for row in cursor: # Print the name of the residential road print(row[1]) 使用SearchCursor 和 Python 的排序方法对行排序。有关其他排序选项,请参阅 Python 的如何实现...
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor("Schools.shp",("Facility","Name"),'"FACILITY" = \'HIGH SCHOOL\'') as cursor: # 使用for循环遍历SearchCursor中的行,输出学校的等级和名称。注意要确保for循环缩进在with语句中 for row in sorted(cursor): print("School name: " + row[0] + " " + row[1]) 1. 2...
6.使用with语句来创建一个游标,该游标包含每一个要素的质心坐标以及存储在PY_FULL_OW字段中的所有者信息: with.arcpy.da.SearchCursor("coa_parcels.shp",("PY_FULL_OW","SHAPE@XY"))ascursor: 7.循环搜索游标(SearchCursor)的每一行并打印地块所有者的名字。确保for循环语句的缩进以位于with语句块内: forrow...
import arcpy table = 'Database Connections\SDE.sde\NEO_1.SDE.P_PipeSystem\NEO_1.SDE.P_Meters' field = 'SYSTEMNUMBER' with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(table, field) as cursor: occurances = [row[0] for row in cursor] for i in sorted(set(occurances)): icount = occurances.c...
{i:0 for i in fields} with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(table, fields) as cursor: for row in cursor: ## Iterate through rows index = 0 for field in row: ## iterate through each value of the row if field is not None: if len(field) > field_len_dict[fields[index]]: field_len_dict[...
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(shp, ["SHAPE@",'NAME'],query) as cursor:#SHAPE@指代单个要素,NAME是一个字段,query是条件for row in cursor:out_name=row[1]+'.shp'#输出文件名arcpy.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion (row[0],out_path,out_name)...
with arcpy.da.Editor(arcpy.env.workspace) as edit: with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(layerName, ["GB"], 'GB not in (' + layerCodes + ')') as cursor: for row in cursor: print("GB Code: {0}".format(row[0])) cursor.deleteRow()
with arcpy.da.Editor(arcpy.env.workspace) as edit: with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(layerName, ["GB"], 'GB not in (' + layerCodes + ')') as cursor: for row in cursor: print("GB Code: {0}".format(row[0])) cursor.deleteRow()
数据访问 (arcpy.da) 地理编码 (arcpy.geocoding) 影像分析 (arcpy.ia) 制图 (arcpy.mp) 元数据 (arcpy.metadata) Network Analyst(arcpy.nax 和arcpy.na) 共享 (arcpy.sharing) Spatial Analyst (arcpy.sa) 公共设施网络 (arcpy.un) Workflow Manager (arcpy.wmx) 了解有关在 Python 中使用类的详细信息 ...
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(lyr, ["SHAPE@"], "OBJECTID ="+str(oid_f)) as cursor: # 通过数据访问游标获取被点对象pointGeom_f捕捉到的要素的几何 for row in cursor: pointGeom_f_f = arcpy.PointGeometry(row[0].firstPoint, sp) # 将被捕捉到的要素的起点以当前工程当前数据框坐标系创建点对象...