defaultGeodatabase(可读写) 工程的默认地理数据库位置。 字符串必须包含地理数据库的完整路径和文件名。 StringdefaultToolbox(可读写) 工程的默认工具箱位置。 字符串必须包含工具箱的完整路径和文件名。 如何导入ArcMap的地图文档(.mxd文件)? 使用importDocument() 方法。 此方法的语法为ArcGISProject.importDocument...
arcpy.CADToGeodatabase_conversion(inputfile, os.path.join(outputpath, topoGdbname + ".gdb"), SaniF, reference_scale, sr) #地理数据库导出shp arcpy.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion(os.path.join(outputpath, topoGdbname + ".gdb", SaniF, "Polygon"),os.path.join(outputpath,'output'), ...
持多种数据格式,如Shapefile、GeoDatabase、Raster等,并且能够与数据库如Oracle、SQL Server等进行无缝集成。 2.ArcGIS软件架构软件架构 ArcGIS软件架构基于组件化设计,主要包括以下几个核心组件: •ArcGISDesktop:包括ArcMap、ArcCatalog、ArcScene等,用于桌面GIS应用。
I'm trying to make a slope raster from a lot of DEM`s. The DEM rasters are in this file Geodatabase C:\Bachelorarbeit\Daten\GIs\Originale\dtk25_dgm1.gdb The slope raster should be saved in this file Geodatabase C:\Users\Hans im Glück\Documents\ArcGIS\Default.gdb Is it possible ...
arcpy.mapping.Layer is saving a layer file that points to some obscure C:\Users\jdoeL\AppData\Local\Temp\19374123947128412.xc8915868_b3b2_4d7b_9bc6_aec2e2cbbc89y0.afr file (the raster layer it should point to is in a different folder/geodatabase). Oddly, if the rast...
import arcpy arcpy.env.workspace = r"C:\path\to\the\geodatabase.gdb" symbology_layer = r"C:\path\to\the\symbology.lyrx""feature_class", symbology_layer) arcpy arcgis-pro symbology Share Improve this question Follow edited Aug 23 at 10...
Geodatabase administration EncryptPYT Tools and toolboxes Exists General data functions FromWKB Geometry FromWKT Geometry GetActivePortalURL ArcGIS Online / Portal GetArgumentCount Getting and setting parameters GetIDMessage Messages and error handling GetImageEXIFProperties Raster GetInstallInfo Licensing and...
ArcGIS Python Toolbox for Search & Download of Sentinel-2 data (L1C/TOA, L2A/BOA) via DHuS (Copernicus Open Access Hub a.k.a. SciHub, or CODE-DE). arcgisclassificationcopernicusarcpyfunction-chainindicesraster-functionssci-hubaweindwiwater-bodiesdhuscode-del2aband-arithmeticwi2015mbwi ...
Das Bildanalysemodularcpy.iaist einPython-Modul zum Verwalten und Analysieren von Bild- und Raster-Daten. Das Modul umfasst auch Funktionalität, die von der ArcGISImage Analyst-Erweiterung bereitgestellt wird (beispielsweise alle Geoverarbeitungsfunktionen), sowie erweiterte Funktionen und Klassen,...
For each feature class in the geodatabase we want to access the attributes of each feature for the relevant fields. for fc in fc_list: with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(fc, fields) as cursor: for row in cursor: If the ‘MODEL’ attribute has a None (NULL) or empty string value then print...