ArcGIS Pro 3.2 | Autres versions| Archive de l’aide Synthèse Charge des jeux de données raster dans une géodatabase. Utilisation La sortie est l’emplacement de la géodatabase où sont stockés les rasters. ParamètresBoîte de dialoguePython Étiquette Explication Type de données Rasters...
Beim Speichern eines Raster-Datasets in einer JPEG-Datei, einer JPEG 2000-Datei oder einer Geodatabase können Sie in den Geoverarbeitungsumgebungen Werte fürKomprimierungstypundKomprimierungsqualitätfestlegen. Die OptionNächster, die ein Nächster-Nachbar-Resampling durchführt, ist die sch...
I would guess that it is looking for the imagery on disk or in a mosaic dataset; no longer recommend storage of imagery in the geodatabase. The best way to access...
to its raster type—which identifies metadata, such as georeferencing, acquisition date, and sensor type, along with a raster format. The raster datasets in a mosaic dataset can remain in their native format on disk or, if required, be loaded into the geodatabase. The metadata can be ...
The raster values are extracted for each point feature in the table and added to the geodatabase and Contents pane. Sample The Sample tool creates a new table that displays the values of cells from a set of rasters for the defined locations. In ArcGIS Pro, click the Analysis r...
Terrain To Raster Renders multipoint data managed using a terrain stored in a geodatabase. This function cannot be added manually. It is added when the data is added to a mosaic dataset using the Terrain raster type. Transpose Bits Unpacks the bits of the input pix...
When storing a raster dataset in a geodatabase, do not add a file extension to the name of the raster dataset. When storing the raster dataset in a file format, specify the file extension as follows: .bilforEsriBIL .bipforEsriBIP ...
It allows a virtual dataset to be derived from other datasets that GDAL can read. Single file—extension *.vrt Read-only (Write—developer only) 8-, 16-, and 32-bit unsigned integer and 64-bit complex integer Yes Unknown Geodatabase Raster The geodatabase is the native data ...
Refer toArcGIS Pro: Parametersfor more information on the syntax used. ForInput Rasters, select all the raster datasets to merge. In this example, they are 090160.tif, 090161.tif, and 090162.tif. ForOutput Location, specify the desired geodatabase. In this example, it is Amberg.gdb. ...
import arcpy arcpy.env.workspace = r"C:\path\to\the\geodatabase.gdb" symbology_layer = r"C:\path\to\the\symbology.lyrx""feature_class", symbology_layer) arcpy arcgis-pro symbology Share Improve this question Follow edited Aug 23 at 10...