以下是使用mermaid语法格式化的类图,描述 ArcPy 模块的基本结构。 ArcGISProject+listMaps()+listLayers()Map+listLayers()Layer+ name+ isFeatureLayer 状态图 接下来是状态图,展示一个 ArcPy 工作流程的状态变化。 安装ArcGISPro设置Python环境导入ArcPy模块读取空间数据操作和分析数据输出分析结果 结尾 通过以上步骤,我们...
{layers_attributes}—используетсяметодом ExportToPDFвклассах BookmarkMapSeries, Layout, MapFrame, MapSeriesи MapView. "LAYERS_AND_ATTRIBUTES" "LAYERS_ONLY" –поумолчанию "NONE" – mapsurround_type—используетсяметодом crea...
ArcGISProject: TheArcGISProjectobject provides access toArcGIS Proproject methods and properties. A reference to this object is essential for most map automation workflows. listMaps ({wildcard}): Returns a Python list ofMapobjects in an ArcGIS project (.aprx). listLayouts ({wildcard}): Returns...
{element_type} – Используетсяметодом listElementsдлякласса Layout. "" –поумолчанию "GRAPHIC_ELEMENT" "LEGEND_ELEMENT" "MAPFRAME_ELEMENT" "MAPSURROUND_ELEMENT" "PICTURE_ELEMENT" "TEXT_ELEMENT" – {encryption} – Используетсям...
import arcpy import os # the open records request Pro Project aprx = arcpy.mp.ArcGISProject( r"\\san_marcos\arcfile\Department Projects and File Geodatabases\Public Services\Transportation\GSipes\ProProjects\OpenRecordsRequests\OpenRecordsRequests.aprx") # list of layers in...
>>> df = arcpy.mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd, “Layers”)[0]ListDataFrames 函数需要引用地图文档和通配符过滤器(可选)。可以提供数据框的全名以进行搜索。还可以输入类似 “lay*” 的内容。所有 ArcPy 列表函数将返回 Python 列表对象。在列表中返回的这些项目从零开始,这表示列表中的第一个项目的索引值为 ...
I am using ArcGIS Pro. I want to make a Python toolbox tool (*.pyt) where I put for input multiple layer's and to apply a buffer for every input. I want every buffer to put another distance. After I put the input layer's to appear another window where to specify the distance for...
mapping.ListLayoutElements(mxd, "TEXT_ELEMENT", "title")[0] Page layout elements have a separate property called Element Name. This can set in the Size and Position tab within the element's Properties dialog box. Data frames, layers, and tables do not have a separate name property as ...
Also the I still haven't figured out how to make the feature layers name to be Feature Class 1, Feature Class 2, Feature Class 3,... arcpy arcgis-pro split-by-attribute Share Improve this question Follow edited Feb 3, 2023 at 3:39 Vince 20.2k1616 gold badges4848 ...
I'm encountering the same issue with transferring layers using the gp tool "Change version" or the arcpy.management.ChangeVersion function. When I utilize them within the Python window in ArcGIS Pro, all layers along with the Records moves to the new version se...