arcpy.mapping.AddLayer(df, layer) #将图层文件添加到地图文档中 arcpy.RefreshTOC() arcpy.RefreshActiveView() mxd.saveACopy(resultMxd) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 设置符号系统 tempmxd = r"D:\xxx\xxx\xxx.mxd" #空的mxd的路径 layerFile = r"D:\xxx\xxx\xxx.lyr" #图层文件 mxd = a...
addLayer (add_layer_or_layerfile, {add_position}) 用于使用基本放置选项向工程 (.aprx) 内的地图添加 Layer 或 LayerFile。 insertLayer (reference_layer, insert_layer_or_layerfile, {insert_position}) 用于通过指定特定位置向工程 (.aprx) 内的地图添加 Layer 或 LayerFile。 clearSelection () 清除地...
8. arcpy.SaveToLayerFile_management():该函数用于将地理空间数据保存为图层文件。它将指定的地理空间数据保存为图层文件,并返回一个指向保存文件的路径。 9. arcpy.TableToExcel_conversion():该函数用于将表格数据导出为Excel文件。它将指定的表格数据导出为Excel文件,并返回一个指向导出文件的路径。 10. arcpy.Ex...
2. Create a layer file3. Remove the feature class and add the layer file to the MXD4. Save the MXD5. Start a new map document and add the feature class6. Start an edit session, add a new feature, save edits7. Open the previously saved MXDThe new feature should appear. Reply ...
Thearcpy.mpmodule cannot create projects. It was designed primarily to modify objects within existing projects (.aprx) or layer files (.lyror.lyrx) for the purpose of map or data automation. As the API continues to expand inArcGIS Pro, more constructor functions are being introduced. For ex...
SaveToLayerFile_management (in_layer, out_layer, {is_relative_path}, {version}) Int_3d (in_raster_or_constant, out_raster) # 转为整型 1. 2. 3. 4. 7. 创建要素类 // {可选} CreateFeatureclass_management(out_path, out_name, {geometry_type}, {template}, {has_m}, {has_z}, {...
frompathlibimportPathfromuuidimportuuid4defcreate_group_layer_file(folder,name):"""Creates an empty group layer file. folder: str or pathlib.Path, the folder where the file will be saved name: str, the name of the layer (without extension) ...
CreateFileGDB_management(arcpy.env.workspace, "myGDB.gdb") # 在工作空间下创建名为myGDB.gdb的地理数据库 在这个例子中,arcpy.env.workspace 被设置为 "C:\Data",这意味着在执行地理处理脚本时,ArcGIS Pro 将会在该文件夹下查找和操作数据。 使用arcpy.env.workspace 的好处是,它可以确保地理处理脚本...
{add_position} -用于addLayer、addLayerToGroup和addItem类上的LayerFile、LegendElement和Map方法。 "AUTO_ARRANGE"- 默认值 "BOTTOM" "TOP" — anchor -用于GraphicElement、GroupElement、LegendElement、MapFrame、MapSurroundElement、PictureElement、TableFrameElement和TextElement类上的setAnchor方法。
>>> arcpy.mapping.AddLayer( The autocompletion shows that there are two required parameters. The first is a reference to a data frame in a map document. The second is a reference to the layer you want to add. This can be a layer in a map document or a layer file. The third para...