format(l)) # Feature layer not created when used as a tool, but works in the Python interpreter & external PyCharm run arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(a_map.listLayers('countries')[0], 'test') arcpy layers arcgis-pro Share Improve this question Follow edited Dec 8, 2...
in_mask_layer = arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(in_mask_data, "mask_layer", where_clause) # 进行裁剪操作 outExtractByMask= ExtractByMask(in_raster_name, in_mask_layer) # 输出提示信息 print("Successfully cut " + in_raster_name + " with mask " +...
Referencing Enterprise Geodatabase feature classes from ArcPy with ArcGIS Pro 2 Make raster layer arcpy error 000865 1 Error - Not defined - Arcpy 1 Getting ERROR 999999 when trying to use arcpy.UploadServiceDefinition_server()? 1 RuntimeError: Object: Error in executing ...
ArcGIS Pro 3.2 | 其他版本| 帮助归档 摘要 用于对基本图层属性和方法进行访问。 说明 使用地图类中的 listLayers 方法可引用工程中的图层,或使用 LayerFile 类中的 listLayers 方法引用存储于磁盘上的图层文件(.lyr 或.lyrx)中的图层。 Layer 对象以单一通用方式进行设计,以便处理所有图层。 图层类型千差万别,所...
parray=arcpy.Array()foriinrange(num): pt=mgeometry[i]ifpt: parray.add(pt)else:#内边形Sumarray.add(parray) parray.removeAll() Sumarray.add(parray)returnSumarraydefgetJZDH(pgeometry,StartChar):"""mylayer="mylayer" arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(JZDFeature, mylayer) ...
(Make Scene Layer) テーブル ビューの作成 (Make Table View) TIN レイヤーの作成 (Make TIN Layer) 軌道レイヤーの作成 (Make Trajectory Layer) WCS レイヤーの作成 (Make WCS Layer) XY イベント レイヤーの作成 (Make XY Event Layer) レイヤー シンボルをスタイルへ一致 (Match ...
Hello everyone, I am trying to create a multi-level layer hierarchy of group layers with ArcPy. Consider the following example: At the top of the hierarchy, let's
Feature Layer 代码示例 Eliminate 示例(Python 窗口) 以下Python 窗口脚本演示了如何在即时模式下使用Eliminate函数。 importarcpyarcpy.env.workspace="C:/data/Portland.gdb/Census"arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management("blockgrp","blocklayer")arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management("blocklayer","NEW_SELECTION",'"Ar...
arcpy.cartography.MakeGridsAndGraticulesLayer(in_template, in_aoi, input_feature_dataset, output_layer, {name}, {refscale}, {rotation}, {mask_size}, {xy_tolerance}, {primary_coordinate_system}, {configure_layout}, {ancillary_coordinate_system_1}, {ancillary_coordinate_system_2}, {ancillary_...
首先,在ArcMap中打开“ArcToolbox”。接下来,在弹出的窗口中空白处右键,选择“Add Toolbox”。在...