The meaning of ARCHE is something that was in the beginning : a first principle. How to use arche in a sentence.
Archetypecomes from the Greek verbarchein("to begin" or "to rule") and the nountypos("type").Archetypehas specific uses in the fields of philosophy and psychology. The ancient Greek philosopher Plato, for example, believed that all things have ideal forms (aka archetypes) of which real thin...
The meaning of ARCHE is something that was in the beginning : a first principle. How to use arche in a sentence.
earning a Ph.D. inphilosophy(1962) from the Institut Catholique de Paris. His 2001 book,Made for Happiness: Discovering the Meaning of Life with Aristotle, was based on his doctoral dissertation on the concept of happiness inAristotle’sEthics. Vanier taught philosophy for a term at theUniversi...