archae- (arche-) Prefix, from the Greek arkhaios ('ancient'), itself derived from arkhe ('beginning'). It adds the meaning 'ancient', with the implication 'first', to words to which it is attached... ... What does the prefix Archea mean? Archea...
What does Achilles mean? Achilles ▲ as a boys' name is pronounced a-KILL-eez. It is of Greek origin. From Achilleus. Mythology: name of the hero of the Trojan War, celebrated in Homer's "Iliad", famous for his valor and manly beauty. He was all but invulnerable, having been dipped...
"Oligarchy" hails from the Greek words "oligos," meaning "few," and "archein," meaning "to rule." Contrastingly, the term "Plutocracy" derives from the Greek word "ploutos," meaning "wealth" and "kratos," meaning "power" or "rule." 10 Oligarchy signifies a system where power is ...
In the context of Biology, define the following term: Elongation. Give the word derived from Greek and/or Latin elements that matches the following: "Any disease of the thorax". Build five medical words by combining forms, prefixes, and suffixes. What does malignant mean in terms of...
Arche Daybreak where he lived the rest of his life among mentally and physically disabled adults. This sense of “uselessness” is something that comes up as a false notion we might have about ourselves, and even prayer can seem so useless in that it appears so invisible. Nevertheless the ...
Greek playwright and poet Euripides was born in Athens, Greece, in 485 B.C. Euripides also wrote plays for Macedonian king Archelaus. Sone of his most famous works include The Bacchae, The Trojan Women, Hippolytus, and Alcestis.Answer and Explanation: ...
This question of "fundamental things" has a special meaning to scientists and natural philosophers, going all the way back toThales of Miletus, 2600 years ago, who began asking about thearche(αρχή), which is the "element" or "prime cause" of existing things. ...
The burning and destruction of Greek, or Babylonian temples by the Persians did not come out of the conviction that foreign deities were necessarily evil, but because temple spoliation was a source of easy treasure and because diety-kidnapping was universally practiced in the East to...