a combining form meaning “chief, leader, ruler”: matriarch; monarch. [< Greek -archos or -archēs, as comb. forms of árchos leader] Arch. Archbishop. arch. 1. archaic. 2. archery. 3. archipelago. 4. architect; architecture. Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, ...
What is the meaning of the Greek root 'arch'? What did the Triumphal Arch represent to the Romans? What are bridge aesthetics? Define horseshoe arch in architecture What is Gothic architecture? Who invented the arch in architecture? What is neo-Gothic architecture?
ROOT-WORDis the RootARCHwhich meansRULER. It comes from the GREEK archos. From this basic meaning it is associated with chief or head or king or origin in one way or another. You can make many words with ARCH, from ARCHbishop to ARCHfoe, from ARCHfriend to ARCHilar. Sometimes it is ...
a combining form meaning “chief, leader, ruler”:matriarch; monarch. [< Greek-archosor-archēs,as comb. forms ofárchosleader] Arch. Archbishop. arch. 1.archaic. 2.archery. 3.archipelago. 4.architect; architecture. Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries ...
The electrical sense is attested from 1821. archangel(n.) "an angel of the highest order," late 12c., from Old Frencharchangel(12c.) or directly from Late Latinarchangelus, from New Testament Greekarkhangelos"chief angel," fromarkh-"chief, first" (seearchon) +angelos(seeangel). Replaced...
Archaea isderived from the Greek word archaios, meaning “ancient” or “primitive,” and indeed some archaea exhibit characteristics worthy of that name. What does the root demos mean? demo-, prefix. demo-, like dem-, comes from Greek, where it has the meaning "people, population. '' ...
archaeology(n.) c. 1600, "ancient history," from Frencharchéologie(16c.) or directly from Greekarkhaiologia"the study of ancient things;" seearchaeo-+-ology. The meaning "scientific study of ancient peoples and past civilizations" is recorded by 1825. ...
Stiros S (2020) Monumental articulated ancient Greek and Roman columns and temples and earthquakes: archaeological, historical, and engineering approaches. J Seismolog 24:1–29. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10950-019-09902-6 Article Google Scholar Stiros S, Jones RE (1996) Archaeoseismolgy. Bri...
What is Diarch root? (ˈdaɪɑːk) adj. (Botany) botany (of a vascular bundle) having two strands of xylem. [C19: from Greek di-1 + archē beginning, origin] What is Amphivasal and Amphicribral? What is the Difference Between Amphicribral and Amphivasal? Amphicribral vascular...
What is the meaning of the Greek root 'arch'? What was the Parthenon similar to in Roman architecture? What are the three greatest achievements of Roman architecture? Who influenced Roman architecture? What building epitomizes Byzantine architecture? Which Roman emperor commissioned the Colosseum? Wha...