The meaning of ARCHE is something that was in the beginning : a first principle. How to use arche in a sentence.
The meaning of ARCHEGONIUM is the flask-shaped female sex organ of bryophytes, lower vascular plants (such as ferns), and some gymnosperms.
a combining form meaning “prior, original, first” ( archegonium; archetype ); in scientific coinages, a synonym of archi- ( archesporium ).Discover More Word History and Origins Origin of arche-1 < Greek, by-form of archi- archi-...
1850–55; < New Latin, equivalent to archegon- (< Greek archégonos first of a race; arche-, gono- ) + -ium < Greek -ion diminutive suffixDiscover More Example Sentences They must swim, unaided, across an ephemeral film of water coating the nooks and crannies of mosses in search of ...
[C16 (meaning: the Aegean Sea): from Italianarcipelago,literally: the chief sea (perhaps originally a mistranslation of GreekAigaion pelagosthe Aegean Sea), from archi- +pelagosea, from Latinpelagus,from Greekpelagos] archipelagic,archipelagianadj ...
Zamiaceae (incl. Boweniaceae, Stangeriaceae) family (type Zamia, from Latin zamiae, after azaniae, meaning pine cones). 10 genera/220–230 species (Figures 5.15, 5.16). The Zamiaceae consist of dioecious trees to perennial herbs. The roots are often vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal; some ...
Latinarchetypum, from Greekarchetypon, from neuter ofarchetyposarchetypal, fromarchein+typostype First Known Use 1545, in the meaning defined atsense 1 Time Traveler The first known use ofarchetypewas in 1545 See more words from the same year ...
The meaning of ARCHEUS is the vital principle that according to Paracelsians directs and maintains the growth and continuation of living beings.
The meaning of ARCHE is something that was in the beginning : a first principle. How to use arche in a sentence.
earning a Ph.D. inphilosophy(1962) from the Institut Catholique de Paris. His 2001 book,Made for Happiness: Discovering the Meaning of Life with Aristotle, was based on his doctoral dissertation on the concept of happiness inAristotle’sEthics. Vanier taught philosophy for a term at theUniversi...