The taxon Archezoa was proposed to unite a group of very odd eukaryotes that lack many of the characteristics classically associated with nucleated cells, in particular the mitochondrion. The hypothesis was that these cells diverged from other eukaryotes before these characters ever evolved, and ...
10.1.2 The Host: the Rise and Decline of the Archezoa Hypothesis . . 243 10.2 Diversity of Anaerobic Protists with Mitochondrion-Related Organelles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...
Modification of the centriole/centrosome cycle was important in these and also in the origin of meiosis. If syngamy was the final step in the evolution of sex, not the initial one as commonly assumed, it could have rapidly spread through the population of an asexual archezoan, with a ...
(1996) - Origin of the Permian- Triassic Iberian Basin, central-eastern Spain. Tectonophy- sics, 266 (1996) 443-464.ARCHE, A. & LOPEZ-GOMEZ, J. (1996) Origin of the Permian-Triassic Iberian Basin, Central-Eastern Spain, Elsevier. 266, 443-464....
The base ofprimitivenon-powerful symmetric sign pattern matrices with non-zero traces 迹非零的本原不可幂对称符号模式矩阵的基 更多例句>> 5) arche 本原 1. Why Thales thought water isarche; 泰勒斯为什么说“水是本原” 2. The core of the whole principle system of ancient Greek philosophy is to...
5) arche 本原 1. Why Thales thought water isarche; 泰勒斯为什么说“水是本原” 2. The core of the whole principle system of ancient Greek philosophy is to probe into thearcheof all things,around which one route is opened from material aspect,the other,from non-material aspect or a aspect...