Figure 5-7 Network diagram for using URL categories, blacklist, and whitelist to control website access In this example, interface 1 and interface 2 represent 10GE0/0/1, and 10GE0/0/2, respectively. Configuration Roadmap Configure an IP address for each interface and add interfaces to securi...
Figure 5-6 Network diagram for using URL categories to control website access In this example, interface 1 and interface 2 represent 10GE0/0/1, and 10GE0/0/2, respectively. Configuration Roadmap Configure an IP address for each interface and add interfaces to security zone...
'1-|2-AR过程的信号|3-两个正弦信号叠加+N|4-单一正弦信号|5-SAR_Line'); % UIWAIT makes WeinerFilter wait for user response (see UIRESUME) % uiwait(handles.figure1); % --- Outputs from this function are returned to the command line. function varargout = WeinerFilter_OutputFcn(hObject, e...
Figure 5 AR promoted YAP-TEAD binding to the promoter of AM and facilitated its transcription. (a) Cartoon of the YAP-TEAD binding region in the AM promoter for mapping oligonucleotide pulldown assays and ChIP assays. (b,c) Both YAP and TEAD bound to the AM promoter in SW10 cells. DHT...
El-Sherif N. The figure 8 model of reentrant excitation in the canine post-infarction heart. In: Zipes DP, Jalife J, eds. Cardiac Electrophysiology and Arrhythmias. New York: Grune and Stratton, 1985: 363–378. Google Scholar Lin SF, Roth BJ, Wikswo JP, Jr. Quatrefoil reentry in myocard...
canvas_fit = FigureCanvasTkAgg(fig_fit, master=result_window) canvas_fit.get_tk_widget().pack(fill=tk.BOTH, expand=True) ax_fit.cla() ax_fit.plot(peaks, best_comb, 'ro', label='Points', ms=3) if best_fit: ax_fit.plot(peaks, best_fit(peaks), 'b--', label='Fitted ...
Figure 1: M–H loops measured at room temperature for all samples fabricated in this study, as functions of PAr (horizontal axis) and number of Fe chips on alloy target (vertical axis). The numeral in each loop denotes the CFe value. Note the difference in the scale of the y-axis (M...
Figure 1. Direct and indirect mechanisms of microRNA (miR)-regulation of androgen receptor (AR) activity. (A) AR transcription—miRs modulate expression of AR by targeting AR transcription factors and regulatory proteins. Let-7c indirectly represses AR activity by targeting c-Myc, which acts as...