'1-|2-AR过程的信号|3-两个正弦信号叠加+N|4-单一正弦信号|5-SAR_Line'); % UIWAIT makes WeinerFilter wait for user response (see UIRESUME) % uiwait(handles.figure1); % --- Outputs from this function are returned to the command line. function varargout = WeinerFilter_OutputFcn(hObject, e...
canvas_fit = FigureCanvasTkAgg(fig_fit, master=result_window) canvas_fit.get_tk_widget().pack(fill=tk.BOTH, expand=True) ax_fit.cla() ax_fit.plot(peaks, best_comb, 'ro', label='Points', ms=3) if best_fit: ax_fit.plot(peaks, best_fit(peaks), 'b--', label='Fitted ...
Figure 5-6 Network diagram for using URL categories to control website access In this example, interface 1 and interface 2 represent 10GE0/0/1, and 10GE0/0/2, respectively. Configuration Roadmap Configure an IP address for each interface and add interfaces to security zone...
Figure 5-7 Network diagram for using URL categories, blacklist, and whitelist to control website access In this example, interface 1 and interface 2 represent 10GE0/0/1, and 10GE0/0/2, respectively. Configuration Roadmap Configure an IP address for each interface and add interfaces to securi...
This figure is an illustration of the invention in the normal vehicle operating condition. The impacting body is represented on the left as still distant but advancing towards the above passenger vehicle. FIG. 2 is an illustration of the same vehicle arrangement as in FIG. 1, except that the...
Figure 1b RBS/C spectra of GaN implanted with 150 keV Ar+ to the dose of 3×1015 cm−2 at different temperatures: 500 °C − + (light blue), 600 °C − ∇ (dark blue), 700 °C − ◊ (green). Black solid line corresponds to an unimplanted sample. Full size image Fi...
3b). Furthermore, accumulation of YAP was detected in SW10 cells treated with MDV3100, while XMU-MP-1 treatment, which inhibits MST1/2 to enhance YAP efficacy, impaired the diminishment (Fig. 3c). Figure 3 AR activated YAP and upregulated AM to recruit HMC-1 cells. (a) DHT-treated ...
El-Sherif N. The figure 8 model of reentrant excitation in the canine post-infarction heart. In: Zipes DP, Jalife J, eds. Cardiac Electrophysiology and Arrhythmias. New York: Grune and Stratton, 1985: 363–378. Google Scholar Lin SF, Roth BJ, Wikswo JP, Jr. Quatrefoil reentry in myocard...