Figure 5-6 Network diagram for using URL categories to control website access In this example, interface 1 and interface 2 represent 10GE0/0/1, and 10GE0/0/2, respectively. Configuration Roadmap Configure an IP address for each interface and add interfaces to security zone...
Figure 5-6 Network diagram for using URL categories to control website access In this example, interface 1 and interface 2 represent 10GE0/0/1, and 10GE0/0/2, respectively. Configuration Roadmap Configure an IP address for each interface and add interfaces to security zones. Configure the re...
'1-|2-AR过程的信号|3-两个正弦信号叠加+N|4-单一正弦信号|5-SAR_Line'); % UIWAIT makes WeinerFilter wait for user response (see UIRESUME) % uiwait(handles.figure1); % --- Outputs from this function are returned to the command line. function varargout = WeinerFilter_OutputFcn(hObject, e...
This Figure shows the impacting object on the left approaching the vehicle, but too distant to trigger any action. In FIG. 2, the impacting object has moved to a position that can now trigger the distance and velocity sensors (113). These sensors trigger the deployment of the External ...
Figure 4 AR facilitated mast cell accumulation via YAP-AM signalling. (a,b) DHT upregulated AM at the protein level and mRNA level, while VP (5 μM) repressed the upregulation. (c) Accelerated AM secretion was found in DHT-stimulating SW10 cells, and VP tempered the acceleration. (d...
El-Sherif N. The figure 8 model of reentrant excitation in the canine post-infarction heart. In: Zipes DP, Jalife J, eds. Cardiac Electrophysiology and Arrhythmias. New York: Grune and Stratton, 1985: 363–378. Google Scholar Lin SF, Roth BJ, Wikswo JP, Jr. Quatrefoil reentry in myocard...
Figure 4(c) and (d) show n and r as a function of CFe at three different PAr values: 2 (circles), 6 (triangles), and 10 mTorr (squares). Considering that the y-axis for n is expressed in the logarithmic scale but that for r is expressed in the linear scale, the variation ...
Figure 5-6 Network diagram for using URL categories to control website access In this example, interface 1 and interface 2 represent 10GE0/0/1, and 10GE0/0/2, respectively. Configuration Roadmap Configure an IP address for each interface and add interfaces to security zones. Configure the re...