The concept of leadership is an oft-discussed issue among practitioners and scholars alike without regard to culture, background, or organizational affiliation. Based on our international experiences, leadership is an art that is traditionally taught as a science which is impacted via various ...
系统标签: leadership justice supervisor focused approaches follower Leadership,supervisor-focusedjustice,andfollowervalues:AcomparisonofthreeleadershipapproachesinChinaDissertationsubmittedtotheGraduateSchooloftheUniversityofCincinnatiinpartialfulfillmentoftherequirementsforthedegreeofDoctorofPhilosophyintheDepartmentofManagemen...
3. Leadership approaches
The sources and movements cited below reflect the film industry’s awareness of gender issues and the means through which some individuals and groups are trying to address the imbalance; however, questions remain as to what educational institutions such as film schools are doing to respond. There ...
leadership changeorganization development (OD)persuasionThere are basically five approaches other than organization development (OD) to bring about change in organizations. The approaches include coercion, persuasion, law and policy, leadership change and debating. Autocratic managers know about coercion. In...
Effectiveness (“positioned for use”) entails generating solution-oriented knowledge, products, and services that contribute to innovations, outcomes, and impacts. It implies designing and implementing research within a dynamic theory of change, with appropriate leadership, capacity development, diverse res...
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Building a strong foundation of more student leadership and involvement in a High School drama program.The goal for this project and the theatre program is to give students more ownership, creative direction, and pride in their productions by working to have students design and assist in all aspe...
As with any innovation, new and largely untested approaches can be harder to execute and measure, and they come with higher risks. Company leadership must be prepared to respond quickly to the unpredictability embedded in new models. After all, innovations can yield very different results. As an...
Gray B. Enhancing Transdisciplinary research through collaborative leadership. Am J Prev Med. 2008 Aug;35(2 Suppl):S124–32. Article Google Scholar Newell B, Siri J. A role for low-order system dynamics models in urban health policy making. Environ Int. 2016 Oct 1;95:93–7. Article Goog...