Apple M1芯片 floorplan分析 下面是Apple M1芯片的floorplan, 以及各模块的分析 Floorplan的基本分析:1.内存一共128 bit, 一共8个通道,接口在上方和右边,最左边是1个16bit DDR channel, 上面是4个16bit DDR channel, 右边有3个16bit DDR channel。这样DDR phy的摆放,能确定肯定不是PoP封装的,颗粒肯定是...
1.M1芯片的芯片尺寸约为120.5mm² 2.M1采用台积电的5纳米工艺,其在密度方面取得了巨大的提升(大约比7纳米提高了35-40%),在某些情况下甚至看起来更好。 3.而7纳米工艺在某些情况下仍然保持在每平方毫米约1.6MB的水平,这种情况下,5纳米工艺可以实现100%的密度提升。
Apple M1 Ultra 封装通过使用硅桥芯片连接两个相同的处理器,如上图。M1 Max 处理器上有大量未使用的高密度互连区域可实现高速和高带宽桥接。这其中,台积电的集成扇出局部硅互连(InFO-L)技术至关重要,为实现芯片间具体是die之间的互联至关重要。Si 桥将处理器连接在一起,并实现低电阻、低延迟和高带宽。TSMC...
在M1 Max的die shot上,看起来相当奇怪。首先,GPU上方芯片的整个顶部看起来与M1 Pro基本相同,指出Apple正在重复使用大部分设计,Max只是在块布局中向下生长的。 另外两个128bit LPDDR5是很明显的,有趣的是,它们也在增加SLC块的数量。如果确实是每个16MB,那么整个SoC使用的是64MB片上通用缓存。除了明显的GPU用途外,...
When Apple first announced the M1, questions arose about the differences between it and the A14 chip which both share many architectural features and are both manufactured on TSMC's 5 nm process. Semiconductor analysis firm TechInsights has recently published die photos of the two processors and ...
从M1 Pro和M1 Max的die shot来看,SLC估计达到了48MB和96MB,远大于A15的32MB和M1的24MB。Apple提高了cache容量,以提高系统性能,同时牺牲了芯片尺寸以降低功耗。为了提高系统效率,SLC可以在多个SoC子系统(如CPU和GPU)之间共享。此外,更大的cache可以降低SoC访问DRAM的频率,降低系统功耗,降低对DRAM的要求,进而降低BOM...
Apple’s die shot of the M1 Max was a bit weird initially in that we weren’t sure if it actually represents physical reality – especially on the bottom part of the chip we had noted that there appears to be a doubled up NPU – something Apple doesn’t officially disclose. A double...
Apple’s die shot of the M1 Max was a bit weird initially in that we weren’t sure if it actually represents physical reality – especially on the bottom part of the chip we had noted that there appears to be a doubled up NPU – something Apple doesn’t officially disclose. A double...
A14基本上是A13的升级版本,由M1使用相同的技术制造而成。它使用了与M1相同的Firestorm核心和与A13相同大小的L2缓存。GPU与A13相同,IP块与A13相同但进行了替换。同样搭载了16核的神经引擎和与M1相同的Icestorm集群。最后,是各种同类型芯片的SRAM 密度和relative upshift的对比,能更直观看到差异。Note: 横屏看更...