apex legends 我需要關於瞄準輔助的協助 變更主題 推薦規格 如何在《Apex 英雄》中關閉瞄準輔助 文章 請按照以下步驟來在《Apex 英雄》中切換瞄準輔助。 仍需要協助? 與我們在線上聊天 等待時間:0 分鐘 不是您要尋找的資訊嗎?請嘗試這些步驟 我需要有關跨平台進度的協助 ...
與大多數 FPS 遊戲一樣,《Apex 英雄》的瞄準輔助設定有助於在主機和 PC 玩家之間實現公平競爭,因為 PC 玩家在使用滑鼠和鍵盤時比在主機上使用控制器的玩家稍有優勢。 我們建議主機玩家開啟射擊和近戰攻擊的瞄準輔助,好跟 PC 玩家公平競爭。 如果你是《Apex 英雄》或 FPS 遊戲新手,無論是在 PC 或主機上,我們...
Controller on PC: Aim Assist strength reduced 25% Dev Note: We value our accessibility as a cross-platform game, but it's equally important for us to monitor that ecosystem. Experiential stories from all types of players tracks with the data we're seeing when it...
With that said, move on to the next section where we show you how to use a PlayStation Controller on PC for Apex Legends. How to Use a Playstation Controller on PC To use a PlayStation Controller on a PC, you have to download a program called DS4 Windows. DS4 Windows is a program ...
Controller on PC: Aim Assist strength reduced 25% Dev Note: We value our accessibility as a cross-platform game, but it's equally important for us to monitor that ecosystem. Experiential stories from all types of players tracks with the data we're seeing when it comes to encounter win rate...
Aim assist can be toggled on and off but it is not as strong as it is on console. Full controller support Controller remapping Comes with a few button presets. Controller sensitivity Very Low, Low, Default, High, Very High, Super High, Ultra High, Insane presets. Controller Y-axis inversi...
"Apex Legends on PC - Crashed after game completion","id":"message:8646478","revisionNum":1,"repliesCount":0,"author":{"__ref":"User:user:4203281"},"depth":0,"hasGivenKudo":false,"board":{"__ref":"Forum:board:apex-legends-feedback-en"},"conversation":{"__ref":"Conversation:...
Hello! I have a question, I work for apex legends boosting service on my ps4. But I want also work on PC with my dualshock controller. Is it safe to use reWASD in apex legends? Because I will be fired immediately if someone of customers will get a ban. I value my work very much...
與大多數 FPS 遊戲一樣,《Apex 英雄》的瞄準輔助設定有助於在主機和 PC 玩家之間實現公平競爭,因為 PC 玩家在使用滑鼠和鍵盤時比在主機上使用控制器的玩家稍有優勢。 我們建議主機玩家開啟射擊和近戰攻擊的瞄準輔助,好跟 PC 玩家公平競爭。 我應該關閉瞄準輔助嗎?
Select Controller. Go down the list until you see Movement/Aiming. Select Enable ALC Settings. Aim assist Aim assist helps you aim your weapon in the game. Players who use a PC can have a reaction time advantage over console players who don’t use aim assist, so aim assist helps to bet...