與大多數 FPS 遊戲一樣,《Apex 英雄》的瞄準輔助設定有助於在主機和 PC 玩家之間實現公平競爭,因為 PC 玩家在使用滑鼠和鍵盤時比在主機上使用控制器的玩家稍有優勢。 我們建議主機玩家開啟射擊和近戰攻擊的瞄準輔助,好跟 PC 玩家公平競爭。 如果你是《Apex 英雄》或 FPS 遊戲新手,無論是在 PC 或主機上,我們...
我们建议主机玩家在射击和近战攻击中都打开瞄准辅助,以便与 PC 玩家平等竞争。 我应该关闭瞄准辅助吗? 如果你是《Apex Legends》或 FPS 的新手(无论是在 PC 上还是在主机上),我们都建议在初期开启瞄准辅助,直到你对游戏有更好的感觉。有经验的玩家如果觉得自己在没有瞄准辅助的情况下会获得更多击杀,那么玩家可以...
Expert Controller Settings in Apex LegendsExpert Controller Settings in Apex LegendsExpert Controller Settings in Apex LegendsExpert Controller Settings in Apex LegendsExpert Controller Settings in Apex Legends Apex Legends, the fast paced free to play battle royale, features squads of 3 characters with ...
Once you tweak the aim bot settings to your playing style you will be the best in ranked without any suspicion I highly recommend getting this hack if you want to improve your aim as well definitely rekindled love for Apex Legends. treyway ● APEX Member Great Product Truly makes the game ...
Apex Legends, the fast paced free to play battle royale, features squads of 3 characters with special abilities, and intense competitive gameplay on PS4™, Xbox One™, and PC.Apex Legends, the fast paced free to play battle royale, features squads of 3 characters with special abilities,...
As a launching point to inspire you on your search for the perfect mouse settings, we will run through some of the top Apex Legends players to look at their sensitivity settings. For a quick primer, DPI is a mouse value, often controlled in the respective software for your mouse,...
a few common pitfalls regarding the aim and gear setup to help beginners avoid. but even if you are an experienced fps gamer you might want to stick around cause some of these tips you probably didn’t know about either. what are the best apex legends pro settings mouse sensitivity 1....
This guide contains training tips to help you improve your aim as well as the best settings recommendations for Apex Legends. Apex Legends Gameplay While Apex Legends mixes hero abilities with a Battle Royale, the gameplay isn’t centered around those abilities or so called ultimates.While ...
Under Manage 3d settings, open the Program Settings tab. Add a profile for Apex Legends (r5apex.exe). Change Select the preferred graphics processor for this program to High-performance NVIDIA processor. Notes The Select the preferred graphics processor for this program option is only available ...
«My aim sucks, what should I do?»We had the stupid answer of «Just use what feels right!» already, so let’s tell you how you get to the point where you think it feels right:Go into training in Apex Legends Do the duck/jump/run/slide/walk thingy in the beginning Follow...