apex legends 我需要關於瞄準輔助的協助 變更主題 推薦規格 如何在《Apex 英雄》中關閉瞄準輔助 文章 請按照以下步驟來在《Apex 英雄》中切換瞄準輔助。 仍需要協助? 與我們在線上聊天 等待時間:0 分鐘 不是您要尋找的資訊嗎?請嘗試這些步驟 我需要有關跨平台進度的協助 ...
apex legends aim-assist 變更主題 加入討論 瀏覽遊戲 EA app EA Forums 關於 輔助功能 工作機會 法律聲明 使用者協議 隱私與 Cookie 政策 線上服務更新 安全 如何聯絡 EA 協助中心 Cookie偏好 © 2025 Electronic Arts Inc. United States Canada United Kingdom India New Zealand Singapore South Africa ...
Aim assist can be toggled on and off but it is not as strong as it is on console. Full controller support Controller remapping Comes with a few button presets. Controller sensitivity Very Low, Low, Default, High, Very High, Super High, Ultra High, Insane presets. Controller Y-axis inversi...
Hexa Fox There are two ways of cheating, one is using hardware to change the input of your hardware. For instance, using an adapter to use mouse and keyboard on Xbox. That is literally aim bot on console because the "magnetic" aim assist with a mouse makes it possible for people to la...
that-was-probably-the-strongest-leaf-in-apex-apex-legends-1280-ytshorts.savetube 法外狂徒王五_ 91 0 they-didn-t-stand-a-chance-against-hollow-o-apex-legends-1280-ytshorts.savetube. 法外狂徒王五_ 159 0 lyric-is-nasty-apex-legends-apexlegends-1280-ytshorts.savetube.me 法外狂徒王五_ 41...
Try to play Apex Legends on console I am new to Apex, fun, enjoyable, but there is one problem. We have crossplay in Apex, right? Yes, we have. I play with crossplay on so I play against Xbox and PC players. If you turn crossplay of matchmaking is taking too long. I started...
aim assist is too strong. Aim assist will never be removed as it's a critical accessibility feature. Console lobbies remain unaffected; this only impacts players on controllers in PC lobbies (our most competitive ecosystem). This change doesn't solve the intricacies o...
- Adding graphical menus like PC on console."You're right I need to update that. It should say remove all aim assist! Thanks. Like 0 Reply EA_David Community Admin to rockyboy19984 years ago Hey, what I believe is the most current info on a potential 120FPS NGchange: "120 FPS is...
Aim assist helps you aim your weapon in the game. Players who use a PC can have a reaction time advantage over console players who don’t use aim assist, so aim assist helps to better balance the game. Aim assist should be automatically turned on when you start playing. Find out how ...
對第一人稱射擊 (FPS) 遊戲來說,勝負一線之間往往取決於誰瞄得更準。對像《Apex 英雄》這樣的遊戲來說,這點再正確不過了,在這個遊戲中,最後存活的英雄將取得勝利。 如果你在 PC 上遊玩,使用滑鼠和鍵盤會讓你較遊戲主機玩家更有優勢,所以瞄準輔助的存在是為了協助更好地平衡跨平台遊戲。