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apex legends aim-assist 變更主題 加入討論 瀏覽遊戲 EA app EA Forums 關於 輔助功能 工作機會 法律聲明 使用者協議 隱私與 Cookie 政策 線上服務更新 安全 如何聯絡 EA 協助中心 Cookie偏好 © 2025 Electronic Arts Inc. United States Canada United Kingdom India New Zealand Singapore South Africa ...
If you’re a casual player, theaim assist nerfmay have impacted your battle royale gameplay. But, it’s nothing practice can’t fix. Here are our recommendations for thebest controller settings onApex Legendsin 2024. Apex Legends: Top controller settings While settings are down to preference a...
Controller Legends will be gaining two new abilities in Season 22. The first is a Class Perk called Zone Overcharge. Whenever Controller Legends are inside the next ring (the grey circle inside the ring), they'll gain Zone Overcharge, which adds an additional 25 H...
facendo da spettatore sono sempre da controller e questo è diventato estanuante e noioso. Giocare è diventato impossibile contro questi player. quindi vi chiedo per cortesia (insieme a tante altre persone) di rivisitare l'aim assist perchè crediamo che ci siamo un forte problema, grazie....
Can You Turn Off Apex Legends Aim Assist? There currently are no options to turn off aim assist for controllers. While such an option might become available in the future, its general effect on the game is vastly positive for controller players. ...
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inapexlegends The recent, uncanny rise in controller-based tap-strafing and lurch abuse can be attributed to a stircaused byApexcoach and pro player District, who, on April 8 highlighted how Respawn and EA don’t have a problem with the use of configuration files. This was further...
Controller on PC: Aim Assist strength reduced 25% Dev Note: We value our accessibility as a cross-platform game, but it's equally important for us to monitor that ecosystem. Experiential stories from all types of players tracks with the data we're seeing when it comes to encounter win rate...
Select Controller. Go down the list until you see Movement/Aiming. Select Enable ALC Settings. Aim assist Aim assist helps you aim your weapon in the game. Players who use a PC can have a reaction time advantage over console players who don’t use aim assist, so aim assist helps to bet...