在Apex中,可以使用String类型的变量来存储和操作文本数据,因此可以将Select语句作为字符串处理。 以下是将Apex Select语句转换为字符串的示例代码: 代码语言:txt 复制 String selectQuery = 'SELECT Id, Name FROM Account'; 在上述示例中,selectQuery变量存储了一个Select语句的字符串。你可以根据需要修改Select语句...
ApexDiacriticUtility 将字符串中的带重音符号的字符映射为与ASCII等价的字符 转换特殊字符 字符串myConvertedString = DiacriticalUtility.toNonDiacritical(myStringToConvert); 查找特殊字符 布尔值didContainAccent = DiacriticalUtility.containsDiacritical(myString); 输出范例 héllowõrld==你好世界...
plt.savefig(spath+'06_vert_vgradrho_rho_diff_%s%s.pdf'% (tstrday,tstring))return 开发者ID:guodj,项目名称:work,代码行数:57,代码来源:work3_snapshot_polar.py 示例7: plot_temperature_diff ▲点赞 1▼ # 需要导入模块: from apexpy import Apex [as 别名]# 或者: from apexpy.Apex import...
@isTestprivateclassSampleTest{statictestmethodvoidtestConvertToHex(){StringmyData='A Test String';Blobhash=Crypto.generateDigest('SHA1',Blob.valueOf(myData));StringhexDigest=EncodingUtil.convertToHex(hash);System.debug(hexDigest);}} See Also ...
You can convert this datatype to String or from String using the toString and valueOf methods, respectively. Blobs can be accepted as Web service arguments, stored in a document (the body of a document is a Blob), or sent as attachments. For more information, see Crypto Class. A value ...
Attempt to de-reference a null object See Advanced Apex Programming in Salesforce for explanation. String compare is case-insensitive (except when it's not) String x = 'Abc'; String y = 'abc'; System.assert(x == y); System.assertEquals(x, y); // ! Expected: Abc, Actual: abc See...
converts the specified string into an id and returns the id. signature public static id valueof( string toid) parameters toid type: string return value type: id example id myid = id . valueof ( '001xa000003dilo' ) ; developer centers heroku mulesoft tableau commerce cloud lightning design...
toStrings(values)- Converts a collection of arbitrarily typed data into string values. This is particularly useful when used withString.format(). toTypedList(sourceValues, targetValues)- Converts an untyped list of values into a typed list of values. This is particularly useful when used with...
This online tool can take a JSON string and convert it into an Apex Code class. You only need to copy/paste the resulting code into your Salesforce, force.com or database.com org. You can change the Class Name before generating the Apex code. This...
私有静态最终字符串 REALM = 'xxxxxxxxxxxx';公共静态 HttpResponse calloutToNet(String endPoint, String bodyString, String methodName) { HttpRequest httpRequestObject = new HttpRequest(); httpRequestObject.setEndpoint(endPoint); httpRequestObject.setMethod(methodName); httpRequestObject.setHeader('Conten...