How do I get set up? See the Installation notes. Simple Example The HIP API includes functions such as hipMalloc, hipMemcpy, and hipFree. Programmers familiar with CUDA will also be able to quickly learn and start coding with the HIP API. Compute kernels are launched with the "hipLaunchKe...
ctx.SetProvider(valuesProviderKey, providerData) } type bazelAconfigValuesAttributes struct { Srcs bazel.LabelListAttribute Package string } func (module *ValuesModule) ConvertWithBp2build(ctx android.Bp2buildMutatorContext) { if ctx.ModuleType() != "aconfig_values" { return } srcs := bazel....
<apex:inputCheckbox value="{!leadConvert.doNotCreateOpportunity__c}"id="doNotCreateOpp"onclick="return oppSelect('{!$Component.oppName}','{!$Component.doNotCreateOpp}')"/>Do not create anewopportunity upon conversion. </apex:inputField> <apex:inputField value="{!leadConvert.convertedStatus_...
I need to convert it into the format: 'DD-MON-YYYY hh24:mi'. I used this to complete the requirement: to_char(ts, 'DD-MON-YYYY hh24:mi'). The problem is this returns a String. I am using Oracle Apex and outputting everything in a table. The table allows sorting. Now ...
result = new string [ 4 ] ; try { // create two leads to convert lead [ ] leads = new lead [ 2 ] ; lead lead = new lead ( ) ; lead . setlastname ( "mallard" ) ; lead . setfirstname ( "jay" ) ; lead . setcompany ( "wingo ducks" ) ; lead . setphone ( "(707)...
most cases AxWrapperGen makes a correct guess about the name of the bound property, but in some cases you need to correct it. For example, let’s suppose that the bound property for your control is named Value (Integer), whereas AxWrapperGen mistakenly assumed it was the Text string ...
Inline- set to True if you would like the PDF to be opened up in a browser window. Set to false if you want the browser to "download" the file. FileName- specify your own file name such as "sample.pdf". Inline option above should be set to false if you specify your own file na...
android.SetProvider(mctx, android.ApexTestForInfoProvider, android.ApexTestForInfo{ Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1465,7 +1465,7 @@ func (a *apexBundle) libs_to_trim(ctx android.ModuleContext) []string { panic(fmt.Errorf("expected exactly at most one dcla dependency, got %d", len(dcla...