public String id; public List<String> accountList{get;set;} Database.LeadConvert converter; //得到前一个页面传来的需要转换的lead的Id值 public void setId() { ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'); } public String getId() { return ApexPages.currentPage().getParamete...
I would like to convert this to External Service so that I can use it in a flow. Can someone give me detailed steps on how to convert this to external service? TIA. public static void findidbyEmail(String email) { String idAPIKeyString = 'KEY:SECRET'; Blob idBlob = Blob.valueof...
MakeLabelListAttribute( android.BazelLabelForModuleSrc( ctx,, ), ) hdrs := bazel.MakeLabelListAttribute( android.BazelLabelForModuleSrc( ctx,, ), ) tags := []string{"apex_available=//apex_available:anyapex"} deps := bazel.MakeLabelListAttribute(...
Convert HTML string to PDF. Customize rendering parameters. Cloudmersive APIs power over1,000of theworld's smartest businesses, including: Try it Upload a Word, Excel or PowerPoint Documentto convert it into PDF. 800 free API calls/month, with no expiration ...
Convert URL to PDF (advanced wkhtmltopdf settings) View full list of wkhtmltopdf options available. var options = new Dictionary<string, string>(); options.Add("orientation", "landscape"); options.Add("pageSize", "Letter"); var request = new WkhtmlUrlToPdfRequest { Url = "https://wwww...
implemented under .NET. This is the reason why VB Migration Partner doesn’t (and can’t) support theDBGrid32,DBComboandDBListActiveX controls, nor any other control whose main purpose is being bound to a DAO Data control. The same reasoning apply to controls that bind to the RDC Data ...
var ApexInfoProvider = blueprint.NewMutatorProvider[ApexInfo]("apex") func (i ApexInfo) AddJSONData(d *map[string]interface{}) { (*d)["Apex"] = map[string]interface{}{ @@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ type ApexTestForInfo struct { ApexContents []*ApexContents } var ApexTestForInfoProvider =...
SingletonModuleProvider(ctx, to.Module(), SharedLibraryInfoProvider) if g, w := fromLink.OrderOnly.Strings(), toInfo.SharedLibrary.RelativeToTop().String(); !android.InList(w, g) { t.Errorf("%s should link against %s, expected %q, got %q", @@ -70,7 +68,7 @@ func expect...
ApexInfo) ai, _ := android.OtherModuleProvider(ctx, child, android.ApexInfoProvider) externalDep := !android.InList(ctx.ModuleName(), ai.InApexVariants) // Visit actually Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2272,7 +2272,7 @@ func (a *apexBundle) depVisitor(vctx *visitorContext, ctx android....