APA,Reference,list References:Bookwithoneauthor author.(dateofpublication).title.city,state:publisher.Gould,S.J.(1981).Themismeasureofman.NewYork,NY:Norton.Thelastname(surname/familyname)comesbeforethefirstname.Thetwopartsareseparatedbyacomma.1 References:Newspaperarticle author.(dateofpublication).title...
Citing a Work with One Author (Paraphrasing or Summarizing)If the author’s name is NOT included in the sentence, use author´s last name and the year in the parenthetical citation.Example: Dickens despised the way in which dismissing truth and bending the rules allowed citizens in power to...
Solution #2: How to cite an article with more than 20 authors in APA style If an article has more than 20 authors, all authors do not need to be listed in the reference. Instead, name the first 19, then use an ellipsis (…), then add the name of the final author listed. The el...
If more than one reference by an author in the same year, suffixes (a, b, c, etc.) are added to the year. Allocation of the suffixes is determined by the order of the references in the reference list, where they are listed alphabetically by title. ...
Level 5 Indented, Bold, Italicized, Uppercase and Lowercase Heading with a Period. Begin your text after the period. Reference List Reference list is inserted at the end of your paper; any source that you use needs to be cited on the reference page and in the text. Citing an author in...
onestrategyover another[italics added] (p. 19). c.如果担心读者对引文中的代词指代不清楚,可以用方括弧加以说明: 例:Inthe preface, the author claims “This[“TheThreeLanguages”]is thestory ofanadolescentwhoseneedsare not understood by his father.” 1.3转引(thequotation from a source other thanth...
Check the Library Catalogue for call number and location(s).∙When quoting directly or indirectly from a source, the source must be acknowledged in the text by author name and year of publication. If quoting directly, a location reference such as page number(s) or paragraph number is also ...
1、apa论文资料引用格式包括文献引用(reference citations)与参考文献(reference list)两部分。1. 文献引用1.1 间接引用(citations): 间接引用需在论文主体部分引用作者姓名和文献出版年份。读者可以在references list中看到所引用文献完整的信息。a 如果引用文献只涉及一位作者的某本专著或文章,而作家的名字在自己的...
InareferencelistIn-textcitation 1.Bookwithoneauthor King,M.(2000).Wrestlingwiththeangel:AlifeofJanetFrame.Auckland,New Zealand:Viking. N.B.Thefirstletterofthefirstwordofthemaintitle,subtitleandallpropernounshave capitalletters. (King,2000)or
Withonlyafewexceptions,everyuseofanoutsidesourcemustbeclearlyidentifiedwithbothanin- textcitationandanentryinthereferencelist.Theformatforeachvariessomewhatdependingon thetypeofoutsidesourceandtheinformationavailable. Bookwithoneauthor Author,A.(year).Titleofbook:subtitleofbook.Place:Publisher.(Author,year) ...