Solution #2: How to cite an article with more than 20 authors in APA style If an article has more than 20 authors, all authors do not need to be listed in the reference. Instead, name the first 19, then use an ellipsis (…), then add the name of the final author listed. The el...
APA in-text citations consist of the author’s last name, publication year, and when quoting, a page number: (Parker, 2020, p. 67)
in APA Style. In APA Style in-text citations, whena source has two authors, list both. When there are three or more authors, cite the first author followed by “et al.” APA does not recommend using “et al.” in the reference list. What does et al mean after a name? Hint: The...
If referencing a journal article from an online database, reference the article with information you would use as if you were locating a print journal (including inclusive page numbers for the articles cited). Author, A.A. & Author, B.B. (Date of publication). Title of article. Title of...
I have a paper that has 26 authors plus two organisations listed as authors. The actual reference itself seems to come up fine, but the citation refuses to include et al. and only has the first author and year, how do i…
Author notes These authors contributed equally: Even H. Rustad, Venkata Yellapantula. Authors and Affiliations Myeloma Service, Department of Medicine, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, USA Even H. Rustad, Venkata Yellapantula, Ola Landgren & Francesco Maura The Cancer, Agein...
Author notes These authors contributed equally: Even H. Rustad, Venkata Yellapantula. Authors and Affiliations Myeloma Service, Department of Medicine, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, USA Even H. Rustad, Venkata Yellapantula, Ola Landgren & Francesco Maura The Cancer, Agein...
Beta-actin was used as reference gene. PCR runs were performed in duplicate for each sample on a 7500 Fast machine (Applied Biosystems). Single Cell PCR of colonic DRG neurons. AlexaFluor488 conjugated cholera-toxin subunit βretrograde traced single cells were picked using a ...
Abstract Background Results Discussion Conclusion Materials and methods Conclusions Availability of data and materials References Acknowledgements Funding Author information Ethics declarations Additional information Supplementary Information Rights and permissions About this article AdvertisementBMC...
Subsequently, the reads were mapped to the reference sequences (see below) using Novoalign ( index.php, v2.08.02) that allows microinsertions and deletions with relatively high accuracy. The alignment parameters were: '-o FullNW –t 150 –R 99 –r All –F...