It is not uncommon for a research paper to reference multiple books by the same author. If you have more than one reference entry by the same person, then the entries should be listed chronologically by year of publication. If a reference entry has no year of publication available, then it...
Entries are listed alphabetically by the authors’ surnames. If the same author is the only credit for more than one source, order their sources chronologically by publication. If there is no listed author, alphabetize by whatever word comes first, usually the first word of the title. Referenc...
Simply use whatever you used as author in the reference, as well as the year of publication. Only insert the page number when using a direct quote. Do not include suffixes such as Jr. In-text reference to more than one author should be ordered alphabetically. In-text reference to more ...
APA+Reference+Examplesapareferenceexamplesapareferenceapareference格式apastylereferenceapareference生成器apaformatreferenceapa格式的referencereferencecreferenceweakreference APA Reference Examples Citations In Text: One Work by One Author Walker(2000) compared reaction times…. In a recent study of reaction ...
one author: Gardner, H. (1993). Frames of mind: The theory of multiple intelligences . New York: Basic Books.two to seven authors : Cargill, O., Charvat, W., & Walsh, D. D. (1966). The publication of academic writing . New York:Modern Language Association. more than seven...
If more than one reference by an author in the same year, suffixes (a, b, c, etc.) are added to the year. Allocation of the suffixes is determined by the order of the references in the reference list, where they are listed alphabetically by title. ...
For more information, go to . IMPORTANT: Dalhousie University defines plagiarism as “the presentation of the work of another author in such a way as to give one’s reader reason to think it to be one’s own. Plagiarism is a form of academic fraud...
Encyclopedia and Dictionary –APA Reference ListGeneral Tips Capitalization: Book title and chapter title – Sentence case. State/Country: Include two-letter state code (if U.S.A) or name of country (if not U.S.A.). If more than one city of publication is listed in the book you are ...
APA 6th Citing & Referencing style ***(For more comprehensive information consult the Citing & Referencing library guide)*** APA style is an author-date citation style. It was developed mainly for use in psychology, but has also been adopted...
导出格式(Export formats):APA,MLA,RIS,BibTeX(部分数据库可用) 06Semantic Scholar Semantic Scholar: AI-powered paper search to find you the one you are looking for 网址 Semantic Scholar是一个比较新的学术搜索引擎,利用人工智能的运算法则,为传统的引文分析方法增加了一层语义分析...