2、脚注和尾注 在MLA的规范里,脚注只应在下列两种情况中考虑使用:(1)提供有一定重要性、但写入正文将有损文本条理和逻辑的解释性信息;(2)提供因篇幅过大不宜使用括号夹注注明的文献出处信息。 在APA的规范里脚注仅仅在上述第一种情况下可以使用。 尾注要另起一页,放在该章的最后一页,标上Notes,隔行打印。引语...
PS: 如果一篇文章的作者署名是匿名(anonymous),则默认此作者就叫做anonymous,按照正常格式写,并且在文后的reference写anonymous。 3. Groups as Authors 群体作者,比如说研究机构、政府组织、国际协会,应当使用该组织的名称。在第一个引文中使用该组织的全名,如果该名称较长,请在随后的引文中缩短该名称,即使用缩写词...
如果是论文集中的论文,论文集的编者为名前姓后(只适用于英文书写的文献,中文书写的中文文献编者仍姓前名后)。 2~7个著者,最后两个著者之间用“&”,其他著者用逗号隔开。超过7个,列出前6位和最后1位著者,其余著者用省略号代替。 最后一位著者用点号结束。英文著者因为有缩写点,所以省略一个点号。 名字有连字...
Turning to the latest APA style format manual, we can learn that one must use numerals to express numbers going from ten and above as numbers (12, 34, 721, and so on). When you have to use numbers up to ten, these are written in words such as "three positions", "two authors", ...
3. Groups as Authors 群体作者,比如说研究机构、政府组织、国际协会,应当使用该组织的名称。在第一个引文中使用该组织的全名,如果该名称较长,请在随后的引文中缩短该名称,即使用缩写词或首字母缩略词,年份照常。 Example: 第一次使用: -The field of social work covers many areas (National Association of So...
Heinz emphasizes that there are some differences between APA 6 and APA 7 that authors should be aware of when formatting their reference lists.1 如果需要包括视频的时间戳信息,可以这样引用: Heinz emphasizes that there are some differences between APA 6 and APA 7 style that authors should be aware...
How to Structure Authors Authors are displayed in reverse order: Last name, First initial. Middle initial. End this information with a period. APA format example: Kirschenbaum, M. A. In an APA citation, include all authors shown on a source. If using the Chegg Writing APA citation builder,...
APA引用指南:引用引用指南(第7版)说明书 APA In-Text Citation Guide APA In-text Citations Guidelines from the APA Handbook (7th edition):https://apastyle.apa.org/ What are in-text citations for APA?•In your text, you should include a parenthetical citation each time you directly quote ...
If such thing happens, provide the first initials of both authors like in the provided example below: (R. Mills, 2002; L. Mills, 2014) If there are multiple works and author is the same According to APA format rules, the book’s title or an article like in the example below: ...
A title page is the first page of a paper that displays basic information like the author’s names, paper title, and the school or institution the authors are affiliated with. What are the 7 required items for an APA title page?