(例如:Harris et al., 2020)。 作者组(Group authors) 如果引用作品是一个作者组完成的,只需要写上该作者组的名称和年份(例如:American Psychological Association, 2019)。 这里的Group authors通常包括研究组、政府机构、协会、公司、工作组、医院、组织等的名称。 无作者作品 对于没有作者的作品,引用时需要说明...
Parenthetical Citation:(American Psychological Association, 2019) Narrative Citation:American Psychological Association (2019) 这里的Group authors通常包括研究组、政府机构、协会、公司、工作组、医院、组织等的名称。 另外如果是经常以缩写出现的作者组(比如CDC),那么只需要在第一次引用时写上全称,后续可以直接使用缩...
When specific authors are named on the webpage, list them as the author in the reference. The name of the overall website should be written in the source element of the reference. If no individual authors are named, and the website belongs to an organisation, use the organisation name. D...
More than seven authors When there are more than seven authors, include the first six authors' names followed by an ellipsis (. . .) and then the final author's name. Isaac, A., Brown, B., Finkel, R. P., Frankenburg, S., Cole, A., Lalonde, M. A., . . . Heinz, V. Grou...
Heinz emphasizes that there are some differences between APA 6 and APA 7 style that authors should be aware of when formatting their reference lists (1: 00:02:44).温哥华格式包括一些略有不同的版本,在使用时需要注意满足投稿期刊的具体要求。另外,大家可以使用我们的Vancouver Citation Generator(温哥华...
•An in-text citation gives your reader enough information to locate the full reference in your References page at the end of the essay.•The most common way to do an in-text citation is to include the source´s information in parentheses at the end of the sentence, before the period...
今天,我对APA格式的作者名的文内引用格式(In-Text Citations: Author/Authors)一探究竟。 1. 引用两位作者的作品: 引用作品时,在括号中标明两位作者。 在文本中的作者姓名之间使用“and”,并在括号中使用&符号。 例如:Research by Wegener and Petty (1994) supports... (Wegener & Petty, 1994) 2. 引用...
Heinz emphasizes that there are some differences between APA 6 and APA 7 that authors should be aware of when formatting their reference lists.1 如果需要包括视频的时间戳信息,可以这样引用: Heinz emphasizes that there are some differences between APA 6 and APA 7 style that authors should be aware...
以下是一个引用APA格式的示例:Smith, J. (2010). Book Title. (R. Zhang, Trans.). New York,...