*Note that the author whose work is being paraphrased is not mentioned in the sentence. This is why we need to include the author´s last name and the year in the parenthetical citation. Also note that the period comes after the in-text citation.If the author’s name is already ...
In-text citation for more than two authors In APA6 style, for sources with 3 to 5 authors, all author names are included in the first occurrence. Only sources with more than 5 authors are cited with the first author’s name and et al. In APA7, sources having more than two authors ...
It’s a Martin party! It’s important to show the reader the difference between the two individuals to prevent any confusion. To differentiate between the two authors in the text, include their first initials. Example of in-text citation APA: ...
even if the sentence is not in quotations. To create an APA in-text citation, ...
APA in-text citations with multiple authors If a work has two authors, separate their names with an ampersand (&) in a parenthetical citation or “and” in a narrative citation. If there are three or more authors, only include the first author’s last name followed by “et al.”, mean...
APA引用格式总的可以分为文中引用(In-text citation)和最后的Reference(参考文献)部分,两者格式略有不同,今天小海马就来介绍下他们的引用格式。 文中引用(in-text citation)格式 单个作者 对于作者,文中引用通常也有两种不同的方式,一个是括号内引用(Parenthetical Citation),另一个是叙述性引用(Narrative Citation...
In-text citations: One author: A recent study found a possible genetic cause of alcoholism (Pauling 2005). Pauling (2005) discovered a possible genetic cause of alcoholism. Two authors: A recent study found a possible genetic cause of alcoholism (Pauling & Liu 2005). Pauling and Liu (200...
在这个示例中,"Smith, J." 是译者的姓名,"2010" 是书的出版年份,"Book Title" 是书的标题,"R...
Works by two authors: (Ibsen & Red, 2001, p. 184). Works by three to five authors: (James, Smith, & Clark, 2001, p. 7). *If the same work by three to five authors is cited again, use the last name of the first author followed by ...
collections (BF76.7.P83) if you are not sure that you are citing a source correctly.• References items are listed alphabetically at the end of the research paper. • In-text citations (also called parenthetical citations ) appear in the body of the paper and refer to items in ...