在调试器中,拙劣的debugger是用0xcc 来跟踪代码,但od就是用标志位进行单步跟踪,简单的说就是把TF置位,如果我们有自己的单步跟踪代码,od如果同时也跟踪了,就会“无视”我们自己的代码...达到anti的目的 代码如下: ;===cut=== ;Author:Comic.Liu .386 .model flat,stdcall option casemap :none include windo...
voiddetectOsDebug(){booleanconnected=android.os.Debug.isDebuggerConnected();Log.d(TAG,"debugger connect status:"+connected); } 这种方式获取的值其实意义不大,发布的 release 版本基本没有会开启的除非失误。 0x02 单步检测 单步调试的原理很简单:检测某段代码执行的时间,动态调试的时候肯定会在一些地方下断...
msg "Cenega anti antidebugger" run // run til the EntryPoint // clear breakpoints bc bphwc // defeats isDebuggerPresent and manual PEB checks $peb = peb() set $peb+0x2, #00# // find and hook NtQueryInformationProcess nqip_addr = ntdll.dll:NtQueryInformationProcess bp nqip_addr SetBre...
51CTO真蛋疼~字数限制的这么少~传送门吧。。。 http://csharptest.net/1051/managed-anti-debugging-how-to-prevent-users-from-attaching-a-debugger/
Debugging Session : Anti-Anti-ptrace () or Fooling The Debugger FoolerFrench, Darkphoenix
An anti-debugger comprises spatially and temporally separate detection and response portions. In an example configuration, the anti-debugger is implemented into a game system for detecting and responding to a debugger attached to a game application. The detection portion is implemented on one thread ...
An anti-debugger comprises spatially and temporally separate detection and response portions. In an example configuration, the anti-debugger is implemented into a game system for detecting and responding to a debugger attached to a game application. The detection portion is implemented on one thread ...
Advanced usermode anti-anti-debugger. Forked from https://bitbucket.org/NtQuery/scyllahide - x64dbg/ScyllaHide
ScyllaHide is an advanced open-source x64/x86 user mode Anti-Anti-Debug library. It hooks various functions to hide debugging. This tool is intended to stay in user mode (ring 3). If you need kernel mode (ring 0) Anti-Anti-Debug, please seeTitanHide. Forked fromNtQuery/ScyllaHide. ...