When a debugger is detected, a message indicative of the detection is provided to a thread interface. The thread interface provides the message to the response portion. After a period of time has elapsed, the response portion disables the functionality of the game application, such as by ...
Debugger.Break ERROR system.nullreferenceexception object reference not set to an instance of an object Error when loading xml into a XMLDocument: Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1. Error when referencing DLL from one project, but not another error when trying to connect...
5. 😁 API CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent 和 NtQueryInformationProcess 通过另外一个并行的程序检查目标程序是否在被调试: intmain(intargc,char*argv[]){ BOOL isDebuggerPresent = FALSE;if(CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent(GetCurrentProcess(), &isDebuggerPresent )) {if(isDebuggerPresent ) { std::cout <<"Stop debug...
这样就没问题了,说明此程序是用IsDebuggerPresent()这个函数来anti debugger的,但是用W32Dasm或C32ASM又找不出相应的字符串,说明了程序有可能是动态生成了字符串.大约的浏览一下程序的反汇编代码,发现有点地方是与平常不同的,如:
用OD载入程序,按F9运行,程序显示了窗口就退出了,初步分析有anti代码.打开OD的插件IsDebuggerPresent plugin v1.4后再运行程序,这样就没问题了,说明此程序是用IsDebuggerPresent()这个函数来anti debugger的,但是用W32Dasm或C32ASM又找不出相应的字符串,说明了程序有可能是动态生成了字符串.大约的浏览一下程序的反汇编代码...
classes.dex|->anti_debug:Debug.isDebuggerConnected() check|->anti_vm:Build.BOARD check, Build.FINGERPRINT check, Build.MANUFACTURER check, Build.MODEL check, Build.PRODUCT check|->compiler:dx (possible dexmerge)|->manipulator:dexmerge $ r2 assets/bin/Data/Managed/Assembly-CSharp.dll Metadata ...
3 CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent 实际上是查询NtQueryInformationProcess ProcessDebugPort。 如果DebugPort存在返回 true。 4 关闭一个无效句柄 如果被调试会进入异常 CloseHandle->NtClose 如果存在debuginfo与debugPort抛出异常 0xC0000008L被调试器接管。 5 使用DuplicateHandle进...
stdafx.cpp AntiDebuggers Apr 6, 2018 stdafx.h AntiDebuggers Apr 6, 2018 targetver.h AntiDebuggers Apr 6, 2018 Repository files navigation README 反调试技术总结 反调试就是检测有没有被调试器调试,比如OllyDbg,IDA,WinDbg等。 参考资料:houjingyi 代码: GitHub Tencent2016D.cpp 中实现了30种检测调试...
可以看到,通过修改rax寄存器的值,达到修改返回值的目的,从而让gdb可以继续调试程序(打印“No debugger, continuing”)。 详细过程,可以参见这篇文章避開PTRACE_TRACME 反追蹤技巧. 贡献者 nanxiaoGDB小技巧 CGDB中文手册 目录 例子 技巧 贡献者
It only shows if the debugger is running on the system at all since the system’s boot. C/C++ Code typedef struct _OBJECT_TYPE_INFORMATION { UNICODE_STRING TypeName; ULONG TotalNumberOfHandles; ULONG TotalNumberOfObjects; } OBJECT_TYPE_INFORMATION, *POBJECT_TYPE_INFORMATION; typedef struct _...