When a debugger is detected, a message indicative of the detection is provided to a thread interface. The thread interface provides the message to the response portion. After a period of time has elapsed, the response portion disables the functionality of the game application, such as by ...
这样就没问题了,说明此程序是用IsDebuggerPresent()这个函数来anti debugger的,但是用W32Dasm或C32ASM又找不出相应的字符串,说明了程序有可能是动态生成了字符串.大约的浏览一下程序的反汇编代码,发现有点地方是与平常不同的,如:
Debugger.Break ERROR system.nullreferenceexception object reference not set to an instance of an object Error when loading xml into a XMLDocument: Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1. Error when referencing DLL from one project, but not another error when trying to connect...
5. 😁 API CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent 和 NtQueryInformationProcess 通过另外一个并行的程序检查目标程序是否在被调试: intmain(intargc,char*argv[]){ BOOL isDebuggerPresent = FALSE;if(CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent(GetCurrentProcess(), &isDebuggerPresent )) {if(isDebuggerPresent ) { std::cout <<"Stop debug...
用OD载入程序,按F9运行,程序显示了窗口就退出了,初步分析有anti代码.打开OD的插件IsDebuggerPresent plugin v1.4后再运行程序,这样就没问题了,说明此程序是用IsDebuggerPresent()这个函数来anti debugger的,但是用W32Dasm或C32ASM又找不出相应的字符串,说明了程序有可能是动态生成了字符串.大约的浏览一下程序的反汇编代码...
void CDetectODDlg::OnExplorer() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here HANDLE hwnd; PROCESSENTRY32 tp32; //结构体 CString str="Explorer.EXE"; DWORD ExplorerID; DWORD SelfID; DWORD SelfParentID; SelfID=GetCurrentProcessId(); ::GetWindowThreadProcessId(::FindWindow("Progma...
classes.dex|->anti_debug:Debug.isDebuggerConnected() check|->anti_vm:Build.BOARD check, Build.FINGERPRINT check, Build.MANUFACTURER check, Build.MODEL check, Build.PRODUCT check|->compiler:dx (possible dexmerge)|->manipulator:dexmerge $ r2 assets/bin/Data/Managed/Assembly-CSharp.dll Metadata ...
可以看到,通过修改rax寄存器的值,达到修改返回值的目的,从而让gdb可以继续调试程序(打印“No debugger, continuing”)。 详细过程,可以参见这篇文章避開PTRACE_TRACME 反追蹤技巧. 贡献者 nanxiaoGDB小技巧 CGDB中文手册 目录 例子 技巧 贡献者
Debug registersDR0,DR1,DR2andDR3can be retrieved from the thread context. If they contain non-zero values, it may mean that the process is executed under a debugger and a hardware breakpoint was set. C/C++ Code boolIsDebugged(){CONTEXTctx;ZeroMemory(&ctx,sizeof(CONTEXT));ctx.ContextFl...
3 CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent 实际上是查询NtQueryInformationProcess ProcessDebugPort。 如果DebugPort存在返回 true。 4 关闭一个无效句柄 如果被调试会进入异常 CloseHandle->NtClose 如果存在debuginfo与debugPort抛出异常 0xC0000008L被调试器接管。 5 使用DuplicateHandle进...