必应词典为您提供anti-debugging的释义,网络释义: 反除害虫;反调试;
手写fuzzer实现anti-debugging趣味实验 XD 在youtube和国外论坛上看到了一种比较有趣的使用fuzzing实现反调试的思路。 方法的原理很简单,通过循环修改源文件的一个byte使得该文件正常共能能够实现,但是能够对gdb和radare2这类调试软件进行一定程度上的干扰。通过实验之后发现,该方法不一定适合实战,但是可能会在对于反调试...
pipe(pipefd); pthread_create(&id_0,NULL,anti3_thread,(void*)NULL); anti3(); 传统检测TracerPid的方法是直接在子进程中循环检测,一旦发现则主动杀死进程。本实例将循环检测TracerPid和进程间通信结合,一旦反调试子进程被挂起或被杀死,父进程也会马上终止,原理大致如下图: 父进程的守护线程在从pipe中read到st...
手写fuzzer实现anti-debugging趣味实验 XD 在youtube和国外论坛上看到了一种比较有趣的使用fuzzing实现反调试的思路。 方法的原理很简单,通过循环修改源文件的一个byte使得该文件正常共能能够实现,但是能够对gdb和radare2这类调试软件进行一定程度上的干扰。通过实验之后发现,该方法不一定适合实战,但是可能会在对于反调试...
For those that don't know, anti-debugging is the implementation of one or more techniques within computer code that hinders attempts at reverse engineering or debugging a target process. Typically this is achieved by detecting minute differences in memor
A method for executing anti-debugging by an anti-debugging device, comprising: a step of generating a child process; a parent process monitoring step of monitoring a state of a parent process in said child process; And a child process monitoring step of monitoring the state of the child ...
anti-debugging-code网络反跟踪代码 网络释义 1. 反跟踪代码 ...pression)、加密(encryption)、反跟踪代码(anti-debugging code)、反-反汇编代码(anti-disassembler code)、crc校 …www.sudu.cn|基于15个网页© 2024 Microsoft 隐私声明和 Cookie 法律声明 广告 帮助 反馈...
This was a nice introduction to anti-debugging tricks, and gives some ideas about how someone coding such a thing might think. There are way more techniques than I mentioned here, but I think the general idea is clear. Thanks! Jonathan Bar Or ...
#include <sys/ptrace.h> #include <stdio.h> int main() { if (ptrace(PTRACE_TRACEME, 0, 0, 0) < 0 ) { printf("Gdb is debugging me, exit.\n"); return 1; } printf("No debugger, continuing\n"); return 0; } 技巧 有些程序不想被gdb调试,它们就会在程序中调用“ptrace”函数,一旦...