Company: Millipore Product Name: anti-b-actin antibody Catalog Number: MAB1501 Clone Number: N/A Info: Supplier Page Browse Similar Products: Actin Western Blot Antibodies We have been using this antibody for many years to detect b-actin in various cell lines using Immunoblotting.Experimental...
Boster provides a series of assays reacted with primary antibodies. Antibody can be supported by chemiluminescence kit EK1002 in WB. Background : beta-Actin(ACTB) also known as BETA-ACTIN or ACTIN, CYTOPLASMIC, 1, is one of six different actin isoforms which have been identified in humans. ...
Musante L, Candiano G, Bruschi M, Santucci L, Carnemolla B, Orecchia P, Giampuzzi M, Zennaro C, Sanna-Cherchi S, Carraro M, Oleggini R, Camussi G, Perfumo F, Ghiggeri GM. Circulating anti-actin and anti-ATP synthase antibodies identify a sub-set of patients with idiopathic ...
Eriksen A, Møller R, Makovoz B, Uhl S, tenOever B, Blenkinsop T. SARS-CoV-2 infects human adult donor eyes and hESC-derived ocular epithelium. Cell Stem Cell. 2021;28:1205-1220.e7pubmedpublisher western blot; mouse; 1:2000;loading ...; fig 5a ...
The proteins separated by SDS – PAGE were transferred to the nitrocellulose membrane (Optitran, Whatman GmbH, Dassel, Germany) for western blot analyses. The primary antibodies used were against the following antigens: cleaved PARP, PARP, survivin, Histone H3, STAT3, JAK2, phosphorylated STAT3,...
Westernblot results showed that the monoclonal antibody recognizes human, mouse, rabbit and fish of β-actin protein and its specific reaction. 2B4分泌的单克隆抗体可以广泛的应用于细胞生物学和免疫学试验,具有良好的应用价值. 2B4 secreting monoclonal antibodies can be widely used in cell biology and ...