Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm(蚁群优化算法).pdf,Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm Nada M. A. Al Salami dr_nada71@ ABSTRACT Hybrid algorithm is proposed to solve combinatorial optimization problem by using Ant Colony and Genetic programming algorith
两阶段流水车间批调度问题的蚁群优化算法 ant colony optimization algorithm for batch scheduling problem of two-stage flow shop44阅读 文档大小:279.59K 4页 002544上传于2015-03-18 格式:PDF 多阶段多产品流水车间Lot+Streaming调度问题研究 热度: 等待时间受限的两阶段流水车间调度问题性质研究 热度: 混合流水...
蚁群算法 (Ant Colony Optimization, ACO) 是一种模拟蚂蚁受食行为的启发式算法,用于解决图形路径优化问题,蚁群算法基于蚂蚁在寻找食物源和返回巢穴时,通过分泌信息素来标记路径并指导其他蚂蚁的行为。这种信息素会随时间蒸发,而被更多蚂蚁使用的路径上的信息素会更浓,导致更多蚂蚁选择该路径。 初始化: 最开始,所有路...
Test caseThis paper presents a test suite (TS) minimization algorithm based on ant colony optimization. The algorithm represents all the test cases in the test suite as nodes of a complete graph. Each test case execution time and corresponding test requirement are stored in the form of a ...
An ant colony optimization algorithm for continuous optimization: application to feed-forward neural network training. Neural Comput & Applic 16, 235–247 (2007). Download citation Received01 December 2006 Accepted21 December 2006 Published02 March 2007 ...
Path planning of mobile robot based on improved ant colony algorithm 热度: path planning for unmanned vehicles using ant colony 热度: A Multi-pipe Path Planning by Modified Ant Colony Optimization 热度: SoftComput DOI10.1007/s00500-016-2161-7 ...
In this article two different optimization algorithms are presented to solve the deficiency of ant colony algorithm such as slow convergence rate and easy to fall into local optimum. This method based on Max-Min Ant System, established an adaptive model for pheromone evaporation coefficient adjusted ...
ACO is an algorithmic approach, inspired by the foraging behavior of real ants, which can be applied to solve combinatorial optimization problems. A new ant-colony algorithm (NACO) has been developed in this paper to solve the flowshop scheduling problem. The objective is to minimize the ...
paths to food sources. It looks for optimal solutions by considering both local heuristics and previous knowledge. When applied to two different classification problems, the proposed algorithm achieved very promising results. Keywords—Ant Colony Optimization, ant systems, feature selection, pattern ...
gorithm systematically tests whether the current tour can be improved by replacing two edges. To fully specify a local search algorithm, it is necessary to designate 8 Ant Colony Optimization: Overview and Recent Advances 231