Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm(蚁群优化算法).pdf,Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm Nada M. A. Al Salami dr_nada71@ ABSTRACT Hybrid algorithm is proposed to solve combinatorial optimization problem by using Ant Colony and Genetic programming algorith
Dorigo, T. Stützle, Ant Colony Optimization, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2004,300 pp.The relation between artificial intelligence (AI) and optimization has at least two facets.From one side, artificial intelligence researchers are often confronted with optimizationproblems. Think for example of the...
Ant colony Optimization: A Solution of Load balancing in Cloud pdfant optimization
AntColonyOptimization(ACO)[57,59,66]isametaheuristicforsolvinghard combinatorialoptimizationproblems.TheinspiringsourceofACOisthepheromone traillayingandfollowingbehaviorofrealants,whichusepheromonesasacommu- nicationmedium.Inanalogytothebiologicalexample,ACOisbasedonindirect ...
a novel feature subset search procedure that utilizes the Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) is presented. The ACO is a metaheuristic inspired by the behavior of real ants in their search for the shortest paths to food sources. It looks for optimal solutions by considering both local heuristics and ...
PDF 引用 收藏 摘要原文 Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) is one of the widely used metaheuristic algorithms applicable to various optimization problems. The ACO design has been inspired by the foraging behavior of ant colonies. The performance of the algorithm, however, is not satisfactory since ...
Ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithms have proved to be powerful methods to address dynamic optimization problems (DOPs). However, once the population converges to a solution and a dynamic change occurs, it is difficult for the population to adapt to the new environment since high levels of ...
两阶段流水车间批调度问题的蚁群优化算法 ant colony optimization algorithm for batch scheduling problem of two-stage flow shop44阅读 文档大小:279.59K 4页 002544上传于2015-03-18 格式:PDF 多阶段多产品流水车间Lot+Streaming调度问题研究 热度: 等待时间受限的两阶段流水车间调度问题性质研究 热度: 混合流水...
Ant colony optimization (ACO) is an optimization technique that was inspired by the foraging behaviour of real ant colonies. Originally, the method was introduced for the application to discrete optimization problems. Recently we proposed a first ACO variant for continuous optimization. In this work ...
蚁群算法(Ant Colony Optimization,ACO)是一种模拟昆虫群体行为的元启发式算法,常用于解决组合优化问题。在MATLAB中实现蚁群算法可以分为几个关键步骤。首先,需要初始化一个蚂蚁群体,将其放置在问题空间中的随机位置。然后,根据问题定义信息素矩阵和启发式信息来指导蚂蚁的移动。蚂蚁根据信息素浓度和启发式信息选择下一...