TSP路径寻优两层搜索决策全局收敛Aiming at solving the problem of falling into local optimization easily and slow convergence,this paper proposes a method that adopts a bi-level searching decision based on adjacent matrix in choosing diverting path to improve ant colony algorithm and solve TSP problem...
DUAN Zhengyu,YANG Dongyuan,WANG Shang.Impro- ved ant colony optimization algorithm for time-dependent vehi- cle routing problem [J].Control Theory & Applications, 2010,27(11):1557-1663(in Chinese).[段征宇,杨东援,王上.时间依赖型 车辆路径问题的一种改进蚁群算法 [J].控制理论与应用 ,2010,27(...
A fuzzy ant colony optimization to solve an open shop scheduling problem with multi-skills resource constraints 热度: An improved ant colony algorithm for robot path planning 热度: 基于改进多目标简化群优化算法求解动态武器目标分配问题 热度: 相关推荐 收稿日期:2013-04-05修回日期:2013-06-13 ...
windows into account,the mathematical model of SDVRPMTW is established firstly in this paper,then the ant colony algorithm is improved according to characteristics of the problem,finally the effectiveness of the algorithm is proven with an example and the applicable scope of the problem is discussed...
1. On Traveling Choice in Passenger Dedicated Line Based on Improved Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm; 基于改进蚁群优化算法的客运专线旅客出行方式选择更多例句>> 2) improved ACA 改进应蚁群算法3) improved ant colony algorithm 改进蚁群算法 1. Multi-supplier selection problem solution based on ...
algorithm converging to the local optimal result,the ant colony algorithm was combined with genetic algorithm.The results of the experimentation prove that the improved algorithm could find the shortest path more accurately and quickly than the basic algorithm.Besides this,the improved algorithm can ...
For membership classification, an improved ant colony classification algorithm named $m$Ant-Miner+ is proposed. This algorithm on the basis of Ant-Miner, draws on the idea of $m$Ant-Miner (Ant-Miner that uses a population of many ants), and introduces a new heuristic strategy. Experimental ...
无人机;航迹规划;蚁群算法;低空突防;三维航迹 V271.4 TN956 A 1671 -637X2011 12 -0044-05 Improved Ant Colony Algorithm Based 3D Route Planning for UAVs in Low-Altitude Penetration XIONG ZimingWAN Gang WU Bencai 2010-12-142011-03-09 国家自然科学基金项目40971239 作者简介:熊自明(1980-),男,江西...
To solve the problems of convergence speed in the ant colony algorithm, an improved ant colony optimization algorithm is proposed for path planning of mobile robots in the environment that is expressed using the grid method. The pheromone diffusion and geometric local optimization are combined in the...
We solve the mobile agent routing problem using the improved ant colony algorithm in Section 4 and show the experimental results in Section 5. Section 6 summarizes our algorithm and suggests our further work. Access through your organization Check access to the full text by signing in through ...