when: - output34.stdout is search("BOOT variable = bootflash:{{image[0]}},1;") - output34.stdout is search("Standby BOOT variable = bootflash:{{image[0]}}n,1;") Do this Ansible is complaining: variable = bootflash:{{image[0]}},1;")[WARNING]: conditional statements should not...
Another common use case for the "when" condition is to run tasks based on the value of a variable. For instance, you may want to perform different tasks based on the operating system of the target host. You can achieve this by using the "ansible_distribution" variable along with the "wh...
set_fact: my_variable: "example_value" ``` 通过这样的方式,我们可以动态地为变量赋予不同的值,从而实现更灵活的配置管理。当然,我们也可以使用when条件来根据不同的情况对变量进行赋值。例如: ``` tasks: - name: Set the value of my_variable based on condition set_fact: my_variable: "value1" wh...
-shell: echo "motd contains the word hi" when: motd_contents.stdout.find('hi') != -1 注册的变量值可以用stdout得到,或者用with_items得到,也可以使用stdout_lines得到,如下所示: -name: registered variable usage as a with_items list hosts: all tasks: -name: retrieve the list of home directo...
扩展具有缺省值的Ansible角色变量的模式 hosts: all vars: my_variable: "{{ my_variable_default }}" # 设置变量的缺省值 tasks: - name: 设置变量的值 set_fact: my_variable: "{{ my_variable_custom }}" # 根据条件设置变量的值 when: my_condition - name: 使用变量 debug: var: my_var...
- { role: ROLE3, VARIABLE: VALUE, ...} - { role: ROLE4, when: CONDITION } 事例: 基于角色的方式安装 nginx 1、创建需要的文件 mkdir ./{nginx,memcached,httpd,mysql}/{files,templates,vars,handlers,meta,default,tasks} -pv 3、写tasks/下的主main.yml ...
- { role: ROLE3, VARIABLE: VALUE, ...} - { role: ROLE4, when: CONDITION } 事例: 基于角色的方式安装 nginx 1、创建需要的文件 mkdir ./{nginx,memcached,httpd,mysql}/{files,templates,vars,handlers,meta,default,tasks} -pv 3、写tasks/下的主main.yml ...
- { role: ROLE3, VARIABLE: VALUE, ...} - { role: ROLE4, when: CONDITION } 事例: 基于角色的方式安装 nginx 1、创建需要的文件 mkdir ./{nginx,memcached,httpd,mysql}/{files,templates,vars,handlers,meta,default,tasks} -pv 3、写tasks/下的主main.yml ...
- { role: ROLE3, VARIABLE: VALUE, ...} - { role: ROLE4, when: CONDITION } 事例: 基于角色的方式安装 nginx 1、创建需要的文件 mkdir ./{nginx,memcached,httpd,mysql}/{files,templates,vars,handlers,meta,default,tasks} -pv 3、写tasks/下的主main.yml ...
default/:此目录中至少应该有一个名为main.yml的文件,用于设定默认变量; 在playbook中调用角色的方法: –hosts: HOSTS remote_user: USERNAME roles: –ROLE1 –ROLE2 –{ role: ROLE3, VARIABLE: VALUE, …} –{ role: ROLE4, when: CONDITION }...