- shell: echo "The variable 'foo' is not empty: '{{ foo }}'" when: foo|length > 0 Check if Ansible variableis definedandnot empty: tasks: - shell: echo "The variable 'foo' is defined and not empty" when: (foo is defined) and (foo|length > 0) - fail: msg="The variable '...
debug:msg:"variable output is {{output}}"when:outputisdefined-name:variableisnot defined debug:msg:"variable output is not defined"when:outputisundefined 执行结果: image-20210924105233861.png 与循环一起使用 如果将when与循环一起使用时,ansible会为每个循环项都执行单独的条件判断,不满足条件的项就会跳过。
when: ansible_os_family == "RedHat" and ansible_lsb.major_release|int >= 6 1. 在playbooks中或者inventory清单中定义的变量也是可以使用,假设任务的执行依赖于一个布尔变量,如下: vars: 1. epic: true 1. 条件执行如下所示: tasks: 1. - shell: echo "This certainly is epic!" 1. when: epic ...
- name: Test VariableisDefined Demo hosts: vars: my_service: httpd tasks: - name: "{{ my_service }} package is installed" yum: name: "{{ my_service }}" when: my_serviceisdefined 下表显示了在处理条件时可使用的一些运算: 示例条件 操作示例 上表中的最后一个条目初看起来...
- name: Set variable based on condition hosts: all tasks: - name: Task 1 command: echo "This is task 1" vars: my_var: "Value 1" when: my_var is defined and my_var == "Value 1" - name: Task 2 command: echo "This is task 2" ...
"thisisstringdemo"testnum:1024a:-2-5b:[1,2,3,4,5]ver:7.4.1708tasks:-name:"Demo then defined"debug:msg:"Variable is defined"when:testvar is defined #关键点-name:"Demo then undefined or none"debug:msg:"Variable is undefined or is none"when:(testvar2 isundefined)or(testvar1 is ...
首先启动终端。 单击屏幕左上角的Ubuntu图标,在弹出的窗口中点击搜索栏,输入“terminal”, 稍等片刻,终端就会赫然在目!二话不说,直接点击! 然后打开环境设置文件。 Ubuntu的环境设置文件为/etc/profile。它本质上是一个Shell脚本,其中存储了每次启动系统或终端时都要运行的命令。 在终端中输入"sudo...
-shell: echo"This certainly is epic!" when: epic 或: 1 2 3 tasks: -shell: echo"This certainly isn't epic!" when:notepic 如果引用的变量没有被定义,使用Jinja2的`defined`测试,可以跳过或者是抛出错误: 1 2 3 4 5 6 tasks: -shell: echo"I've got '{{ foo }}' and am not afraid to...
What Makes A Valid Variable Name一个合法的变量名是什么样的 在我们开始使用variables时,知道什么组成一个合法的变量名是重要的。 变量名应该是字母、数字和下划线。变量始终以字母开头。 “foo_port”是个合法的变量名。”foo5”也是。 “foo-port”, “foo port”, “foo.port” 和“12”则不是合法的变量...
The default is 'replace' but # this can also be set to 'merge'. #hash_behaviour = replace # by default, variables from roles will be visible in the global variable # scope. To prevent this, the following option can be enabled, and only ...