- fail: msg="The variable 'bar' is empty" when: bar|length == 0 - shell: echo "The variable 'foo' is not empty: '{{ foo }}'" when: foo|length > 0 Check if Ansible variableis definedandnot empty: tasks: - shell: echo "The variable 'foo' is defined and not empty" when: ...
msg: "Variable is defined" when: testvar is defined - debug: msg: "Variable is undefined" when: testvar2 is undefined - debug: msg: "The variable is defined, but there is no value" when: testvar1 is none 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. ...
msg: "This variable is a string" when: testvar1 is string - debug: msg: "This variable is a string" when: testvar2 is string - debug: msg: "This variable is a string" when: testvar3 is string testvar2,testvar3为真 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 1...
经过前面的介绍,我们已经熟悉了 Ansible 的一些常识性的东西和如何编译安装Ansible,从本章开始我们将全面介绍 Ansible 的各种生产常用模块,这些也是我们使用 Ansible 的过程中必须掌握的重点,本章将介绍和使用 Ansible 中经常使用的一些模块,大体模块分为: 文件操作类,命令执行类,系统管理类,等使我们能对 Ansible 有一...
Only check if the default ssh client supports ControlPersist once instead of once for each host + task combination. Fix a problem with the pip module updating the python pip package itself. ansible_play_hosts is a new magic variable to provide a list of hosts in scope for the current play...
This setting will be disabled if ANSIBLE_KEEP_REMOTE_FILES is enabled. Type: boolean Default: False Ini: Section: [connection] Key: pipelining Section: [defaults] Key: pipelining Environment: Variable: ANSIBLE_PIPELINING ANY_ERRORS_FATAL Description: Sets the default value for the any...
added 'mandatory', a Jinja2 filter that checks if a variable is defined: {{ foo|mandatory }} added support for multiple size formats to the lvol module timing reporting on wait_for module now includes the delay time IRC module can now send a server password "~" now expanded on each com...
Theportvariable is reserved as a play/task directive for overriding the connection port, in previous versions this got conflated with a variable namedportand was usable later in the play, this created issues if a host tried to reconnect or was using a non caching connection. Now it will be...
【Python】已解决UnboundLocalError: local variable ‘xxx‘ referenced before assignment的报错解决方案 如果是局部变量,但仍然报出unboundLocal Error问题,比如下面的代码示例: 01 Python 条件和 if 语句 在这个示例中,我们使用了两个变量a和b,它们被用作if语句的一部分,以测试b是否大于a。由于a是33,b是200,我们...
What Makes A Valid Variable Name一个合法的变量名是什么样的 在我们开始使用variables时,知道什么组成一个合法的变量名是重要的。 变量名应该是字母、数字和下划线。变量始终以字母开头。 “foo_port”是个合法的变量名。”foo5”也是。 “foo-port”, “foo port”, “foo.port” 和“12”则不是合法的变量...