- hosts: node1 gather_facts: yes tasks: - name: Check File shell: ls -ld /etc/postfix/post-install register: result ignore_errors: yes - name: Define Variable set_fact: exists: "{{ result.stdout }}" when: result|success - name: Display Variable debug: msg="{{ exists }}" ignore_...
可使用转义字符;# variable.yml---hosts:localremote_user:rootvars:#关键点1-直接在play文件中定义变量-dirRoot:/tmp/vars_files:#关键点2-包含外部设定的变量文件-/root/var.ymltasks:-name:Create directoryfile:path:"{{dirRoot}}{{create.directory}}"#关键点...
Variable: ANSIBLE_COW_ACCEPTLIST :Version Added: 2.11 ANSIBLE_COW_PATH Description: Specify a custom cowsay path or swap in your cowsay implementation of choice. Type: string Default: None Ini: Section: [defaults] Key: cowpath Environment: Variable: ANSIBLE_COW_PATH ANSIBLE_COW_SEL...
32---# 在play1中添加新主机,并在当前play1中测试新主机是否可用-name:addhostsinplay1hosts:nginxgather_facts:falsetasks:-name:addnewhosttonginxandphpadd_host:name:"hello world"-name:pingnginxgroupinplay1ping:# 在play2和play3中分别测试nginx组...
- name: print facts variable debug: msg: “The default IPV4 address is {{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}” 在PlayBook中去关闭Facts 变量的获取 gather_facts: no 若在整个PlayBook 的执行过程中,完全未使用过Facts 变量,此时我们可以将其关闭,以加快PlayBook的执行速度 ...
16 块 vars (only for tasks in block) block vars (only for tasks in block) block是 Ansible 中的一种结构化语法,允许您将一组任务组织在一起,并对整个块应用特定的处理,比如错误处理、条件判断或变量定义 -block:-name:Printamessagedebug:msg:"The variable inside block is{{ block_var }}"-name:...
ansible.builtin.template:src:foo.cfg.j2dest:'{{remote_install_path}}/foo.cfg' In this example, the variable defines the location of a file, which can vary from one system to another. Note Ansible allows Jinja2 loops and conditionals intemplatesbut not in playbooks. You cannot create a lo...
[WARNING]: The loop variable 'item' is already in use. You should set the `loop_var` value in the `loop_control` option for the task to something else to avoid variable collisions and unexpected behavior. ok: [10.1xx.xx.xx] => (item=None) => { "msg": [ "my_var:
variable 示例2:(在playbook中可以使用所有的变量) 八、roles ansible自1.2版本引入的新特性,用于层次性、结构化地组织playbook。roles能够根据层次型结构自动转载变量文件、tasks以及handlers等。要使用roles只需要在playbook中使用include指令即可。简单来讲,roles就是通过分别将变量、文件、任务、模板以及处理器放置于单独...
[WARNING]: Found variable using reserved name: name localhost | SUCCESS => { "msg": "name is guan,type is people" } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. [root@master1 ~]# cat abc.yml --- name: guan type: student ... [root@master1 ~]# ansible all -i localhost, -m debug -a "msg='name ...