为了向文件尾部追加内容,可以将 append 参数设置为 yes。 yaml - name: Append content to the end of a file lineinfile: path: /path/to/your/file line: 'This is the content to append' append: yes 在这个示例中,path 指定了要操作的文件路径,line 指定了要追加的内容,append: yes 确保内容被...
- name: Add a line to the end of the file lineinfile: path: /path/to/file line: 'New line to be added' create: yes append: yes ``` 在上面的示例中,我们指定了要追加的内容为"New line to be added",并将append参数设置为yes。运行该Playbook后,Ansible会在指定的文件末尾追加一行新内容。
这个模块可以接收一些参数,比如文件路径、要追加的内容、要追加的位置等。 首先,我们需要在Ansible Playbook中定义一个任务来使用"lineinfile"模块。下面是一个简单的示例: ```yaml - name: Append a line to a file hosts: localhost tasks: - name: Append a line to a file lineinfile: path: /path/to/...
With your current regex, Ansible will add ,foobar to the end of line each time you run it. your change can be idempotent with a regex like this: --- - name: Test hosts: localhost connection: local gather_facts: no tasks: - name: Test lineinfile ansible.builtin.lineinfile: regex: '...
shell> cat /tmp/ansible/file Label abc First line Second line Append line at the end of this line added string Append line at the end of this line Append line at the end of this line Last line 以下任务可以满足您的要求- lineinfile: path: /tmp/ansible/file regexp: '^Append line at ...
lineinfile是一个非常有用的模块,而且相对来说,也是用法比较复杂的模块,可直接参考《Ansible lineinfile模块》 6. stat stat模块与linux中的stat命令一样,用来显示文件的状态信息。 -name:Verifythechecksumofafilestat:path:/path/to/filechecksum_algorithm:md5register:result-debug:msg:"The checksum of the file...
To do this, we can use thelineinfilemodule. This module is incredibly powerful and through the use of it’s many different configuration options, it allows you to perform all sorts of changes to an existing file on the host. For this example, we will use the following options: ...
ISSUE TYPE Bug Report COMPONENT NAME lineinfile ANSIBLE VERSION ansible config file = /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg configured module search path = [u'/home/dtodorov/.ansible/plugins/modules', u'/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules'] an...
15.lineinfile 我们可以借助 lineinfile 模块,确保”某一行文本”存在于指定的文件中,或者确保从文件中删除指定的”文本”(即确保指定的文本不存在于文件中),还可以根据正则表达式,替换”某一行文本” path参数 :必须参数,指定要操作的文件。 line参数 : 使用此参数指定文本内容。
lineinfile 例子 - name: set limit 2 lineinfile: backup: yes path: /etc/security/limits.conf insertafter: '# End of file' line: "{{ item }}" state: present with_items: - '* soft nofile 655360' - '* hard nofile 131072' - '* soft nproc 655350' - '* hard nproc 655350' - '...